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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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JKKYOA12 Fighting Against Human Rights Violations 5 ECTS
Implementation is also a part of open university teaching
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yhteiset opinnot/JKK
Faculty of Management

General description

Human rights are often violated and at the same time international community is attempting to protect them as the international human rights regime is well developed and gives the normative and legal bases for protection. This course provides an understanding of the meaning of human rights and the problems of human rights protection from the point of view of both politics and law. The questions are how and why human rights violations occur and what can be done to fight against them?   The course is divided in four parts.

After the introduction part of the course, the second part discusses human rights form the point of view of international relations, the third part from the international law perspective and in the fourth part these insights are put together in order to have a comprehensive understanding on the means to provide human rights protection. Human rights and fighting against their violations are studied in two cases which involve two assignments. 

Part I   Introduction to the course (Tarja Seppä and another teacher to be informed lated)

Part II   Human Rights in international society (Tarja Seppä)

Students understand different interpretations of the human rights concepts and their meaning in international relations. Students are able to analyze different human rights practices and understand human rights both as a conceptual issue of international relations and as a manifestation of human rights policies and practices. Thus, they also understand why human rights are not always respected but also know how to protect them. 

Part III Human rights and international law (to be informed later)

Students understand the main legal aspects of international protection of human rights and the role of supervisory mechanisms. Students are able to analyze different human rights related concepts and understand human rights as part of international and national legal order. They understand how human rights law can enhance protection of rights of individuals.  

Part IV   Fighting Against Human Rights Violations

Students have two different case studies involving both political and legal aspects of human rights protection. During these assignments students are able to apply in practice their acquired knowledge from parts II and III and understand interrelated nature of political and legal human rights discourse. The assignments are chosen to provide comprehensive understanding of both regional and universal protection systems. The idea is also to bring together at the same time both intergovernmental and non-governmental systems and the possibility for individuals to make a difference in the fight against human rights violations.

Study objective: After completing the course students understand and can critically analyse how politics and law are related in the practices of human rights.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Tarja Seppä, Teacher responsible
Julkisoikeuden yliopisto-opettaja, Teacher responsible
Elina Todorov, Teacher


11-Feb-2019 – 19-Apr-2019
Lectures 4 hours + 4 hours Web-based
Mon 11-Feb-2019 at 9-12, Pinni B1097
Mon 11-Mar-2019 at 14-17, Linna K103
Tutorials 28 hours Web-based
Independent work 120 hours Web-based


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

Compulsory preceding studies: HALJUA42 Human Rights Law 5 op and POLPOP01 Introduction to International Relations 5 ECTS or POLPOP02 Introduction to Political Science 5 ECTS

The course as a web-based course is organized on a weekly basis meaning that students are working during each week of the course. 

Please, take this into consideration when planning your study program for the spring term.