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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
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POMLFCS3/KVS22 Art/Research Festival: Migration 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen maisteriopinnot
Kansainvälinen politiikka
Faculty of Management

Learning outcomes

After taking this course, students will be able to
- construct a research design to study migration through arts-based research methods
- apply some arts-based research methods to understand trends in global politics, such as migration
- discuss and analyze the possibilities and limitations of arts-based approaches to social change

General description


The Art/Research Festival examines the ways in which the arts and arts-based research can be incorporated to qualitative inquiry in social sciences. The festival examines how the artistic process, actual making of artistic expressions or artworks themselves can offer a way to understand and examine social and political life.

The focus of the festival is migration. Presentations, panels, performances and workshops approach the movement of people through different forms of expression. The festival asks how art can help researchers make sense of migration – and what are its limits.



Thursday 3 May

12–13 Lobby Bar, PinniB, ground floor
What is ABR

13–15 Lobby Bar, PinniB, ground floor
Workshop: Collaging Migration
Inna Perheentupa, Daria Krivonos, Saara Särmä

15–17:30 Oasis, PinniB, 2nd floor
Panel: Researching migration through art
Leonardo Custodio, Eeva Puumala, Marja-Liisa Torniainen, Sepideh Rahaa (TBC)
Moderated by Daria Krivonos

19:00 TTT Kellariteatteri, Hämeenpuisto 28
Olga Jitlina: “Translation” and a discussion
Reserve your ticket at www.eventbrite.com

Friday 4 May

12–14 Oasis, PinniB, 2nd floor
Panel discussion: Can art change the world?
Julia Bethwaite, Hassan Blasim, Monica Gathuo, Saara Särmä
Moderated by Inna Perheentupa

14–17 PinniA 1081
Workshop: Home and belonging through videos
Amir Jan and Mohammad Javid

18–20 Restaurant Telakka, 2nd floor
Acoustic lecture: Sounds of War
Susanna Hast & Timo Kalevi Forss





Anni Kangas, Teacher responsible


3-May-2018 – 4-May-2018


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria


UTA students can gain credits from the festival in the following way:

2 ECTS Participation at the festival and a short reflection paper (with references to some assigned readings) as part of Elisa Pascucci’s course “Refugee migration and its governance”5 ECTS Participation at the festival, assigned readings and a paper.

  • Students taking POLKVS22 write an essay that focuses on the research design of arts      based research projects in International Relations (suitable readings will be made available)
  • Students taking POMLFCS3 write an essay that focuses on the dynamics of migration in world politics
  • Students taking KIRKTTS2B or KIRSKIS5B write an essay reflecting on the role of ABR in literary studies.

Further information

Please, register for the course by 25 April here: https://elomake.uta.fi/lomakkeet/21033/lomake.html