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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
ENGS3 Methodology: Corpus linguistics 5 op
I Periodi II Periodi III Periodi IV Periodi
Syventävät opinnot
Suoritettavien opintojaksojen kuvaukset opinto-oppaissa
Englannin kielen, kirjallisuuden ja kääntämisen tutkinto-ohjelma
Kieli-, käännös- ja kirjallisuustieteiden yksikkö


This course is intended to introduce students to the theoretical and practical aspects of working with electronic language corpora. We will be looking at a range of standard reference corpora (e.g. the BRITISH NATIONAL CORPUS, the CORPUS OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ENGLISH) and use a number of (web-based and offline/local) tools to retrieve and analyse corpus data. Depending on student preferences, there will also be an opportunity to familiarise yourself with a selection of specialised corpora (e.g. historical/diachronic corpora such as the HELSINKI CORPUS or spoken corpora such as the MICHIGAN CORPUS OF ACADEMIC SPOKEN ENGLISH). Towards the end of the course, we will then be looking at (automated) ways to compile your own corpora from data available on the Internet.

In addition to the general principles of corpus linguistics, at least the following topics will be discussed:

  • (basic) statistical analyses of corpus results
  • collocations and semantic prosodies
  • manual annotation (and analysis) of corpus results
  • visualisation of corpus results

This 5-credit course will be taught in an intensive format during two weeks in March (Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th) and May (Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th), with classes taking place daily and in slots of 4 hours each.

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen

Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt


Sebastian Hoffmann, Vastaava opettaja


16.3.2016 – 20.5.2016
Ke 16.3.2016 klo 12-16, Pinni B 4079 Language technology classroom
To 17.3.2016 klo 12-16, Tieto-Pinni ML8
Pe 18.3.2016 klo 12-16, Tieto-Pinni ML7
Ke 18.5.2016 klo 12-16, Pinni B 4079 Language technology classroom
To 19.5.2016 klo 12-16, Pinni B 4079 Language technology classroom
Pe 20.5.2016 klo 12-16, Pinni B 4079 Language technology classroom