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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
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FILAA12 Excellence through Quality Management 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Finanssihallinto ja julk.yhteisöjen laskentatoimi
Department of Economics and Accounting

General description

Course consist of:
10 hours of lectures and learning diary

Objective is to reach overall understanding of quality enhancement in public sector organizations.

Quality is seen as an important factor in ensuring public sector performance and competitiveness. This course aims to give an overall view and a basic understanding of quality and its enhancement. The course focuses on quality enhancement in public sector and takes as an example the Finnish public sector and some of its organizations. The course familiarizes the students with the basic concepts and methods related to quality, excellence and quality management.

After the course the student:
1. understands the meaning of quality from various viewpoints, most importantly from the viewpoint of public sector organizations,
2. understands why organizations enhance quality,
3. understands the basic concepts connected with quality enhancement,
4. is familiar with excellence models, especially EFQM Excellence model and
5. knows some examples of how quality is enhanced in Finnish public sector organizations.

Enrolment for University Studies



assistant Piia Tienhaara, Teacher

Homepage URL


17-Mar-2009 – 14-Apr-2009
Lectures 10 hours
Tue 17-Mar-2009 - 14-Apr-2009 weekly at 10-12, main building C8