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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2009–2010
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WSB4 Women's Studies Seminar: Sex, Money and Power! How the Economy Shapes Our Understanding of Gender? 8 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Department of Social Research

General description

Lectures & workshops, 24h, 8 ECTS

Fridays 10-12/14, seminar begins 11.9. 10-12

Timetable: 11.9. 10-12, 18.9. 10-12, 25.9. 10-12, 2.10. 10-12, 9.10. 10-14,  30.10. 10-14, 6.11. 10-12, 13.11. 10-12, 20.11. 10-12, 27.11. 10-12.


Objectives: The students become familiar with women´s studies and feminist perspective through the discussions related to the capitalist economy, consumer culture and work.

Content: The seminar explores the questions of gender and sexuality in  relation to the economy. Topics vary from work and financial crisis to  shopping and advertising. These questions are approached through different texts such as newspaper articles and TV-shows and analyzed  in relation to current feminist critique and other relevant sociological and cultural perspectives.

Form of Study: The seminar consists of lectures and workshops. The students are expected to prepare to the lectures according to a specific reading list and to produce a presentation and an essay on a relevant topic.

Registration: From August 1st., please send email to  m.katariina.makinen@uta.fi with a short description of your studies  and interests (what is your major, have you studied women?s studies  before this seminar). The number of participants is limited to 15.


Enrolment for University Studies

Registration: From August 1st., please send email to m.katariina.makinen@uta.fi with a short description of your studies and interests (what is your major, have you studied women´s studies before this seminar). The number of participants is limited to 15.


Katariina Mäkinen, Teacher


11-Sep-2009 – 20-Nov-2009
Seminar 24 hours
Women´s Studies Seminar
Fri 11-Sep-2009 at 10.15-11.45, Virta 234