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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TAYJ12 Research Ethics 4 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

This course invites students in various stages of their doctoral thesis to think through, write and process the ethical questions and themes in their own ongoing research projects. It provides a compact knowledge package on ethical issues concerning the research design, data collection/field work and writing-up phases. The course consists of lectures, discussion & student presentations in class and assignments.

Learning outcomes: After the course, students will

- be better equipped to think about and deal with ethical issues at different phases of their research projects
- have skills to discuss and identify issues concerning the ethics both in relation to research participant and the academic community (treatment of participants, informed consent, data lifespan, publication and ethical reporting)
- have knowledge on the key guidelines concerning ethical conduct and know where to go for further information
- have practical tools and means for the writing-up of ethical question in the doctoral thesis.
- have access to an information package on ethics

Classroom: Room C6 (Main building) (31.1. at 15-17 o'clock in computer classroom 50 (Linna))

Course Schedule: 17.1., 24.1., at 10-16 and 31.1., 7.2. at 11-17


Friday 17.1. at 10-16, Room C6

10.15. -12.15. Introduction to research ethics  

12.15. -13.15. Lunch

13.15.-14.30. Research ethical guidelines, principles and codes

14.30-14.45. Coffee break

14.45.- 16.00.  Examples of research ethical problems


 Friday 24.1. at 10-16, Room C6

10.15. -12.15. Ethical questions concerning the research topic, funding and selection of method 

12.15. -13.15. Lunch

13.15.-14.30.  Ethical questions concerning studying humans (data-collection, information consent, ethical encounter with participants, analysis and interpretation)

14.30-14.45. Coffee break

14.45.-16.00. Doctoral student’s presentations


Friday 31.1. at 11-17, Room C6

11.15.-12.15.  Ethical questions concerning the sources of the research, writing a thesis and plagiarism

12.15.-13.15. Lunch break

13.15. -14.30. Doctoral student’s presentations

14.30.-15.00 Coffee break

15.00.-17.00.  Introduction of the plagiarism program: Turnitin. Place: Computer classroom 50 (Linna)


Friday 7.2. at 11-17, Room C6

11.15.-12.15.  Ethical questions concerning the feedback, supervision

12.15.-13.15. Lunch break

13.15. -14.30. Securing the data lifespan, data archiving and ethical questions concerning research community and responsibilities of researcher as an expert in scientific committees or in media

14.30.-15.00 Coffee break

15.00.-17.00.  Doctoral student’s presentations

Further information

Please Note: Students are selected on a first-come, first served –basis. Those accepted to the course are required to send in a pre-assignment (max one page A 4) through Moodle. Dead line for pre-assignment is 15.1.2014

THE PRE-ASSIGNMENT: Please include the following in short:
1)    Your name & discipline
2)    Your Research topic
3)    Potential ethical issues you have encountered or anticipated to encounter as part of your doctoral research and solutions you may already have in mind
4)    Any issues relating to research ethics you wish to be discussed during the course
5)    Please indicate if you are not willing to present some key ethical themes concerning your own doctoral work, otherwise it is presumed that you could present briefly during the course the ethical questions that you are facing during your research. There is a short (max. 3 page) writing task for those who don’t deliver a brief oral presentation during the course.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Marika Enwald, Teacher responsible


17-Jan-2014 – 7-Feb-2014

