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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KVPOA3/A5/S2/S3 Current Issues in the Study of International Relations 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kansainvälinen politiikka
Dept. of Political Science and International Relations

General description

Lectures 20 h and a study diary (6 pages) to professor Vilho Harle. Diaries either in English or Finnish/Swedish.

Compensates 2 cr pts from one of these: KVPOA3 or KVPOA5 or KVPOS2 or KVPOS3, World Politics or International Conflict Analysis.

Compensations in the ISSS Bachelor programme: 2 ECTS from KVPIB7A1 World Politics.

Compensations in the Master's Programme on Political Communication and in Master's Programme in Global Governance and World Culture: 4 ECTS in KVPIGG2I, in addition to the lectures students read Clausewitz (any language and any edition) and write the study diary (10 pages) based on both lectures and the book.


Julian Reid, Tim Dunne, Lene Hansen and Iver Neumann, Teacher

Homepage URL


Lectures 20 hours
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna room K103
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 14-16, Linna room K103
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna room K113
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 14-16, Linna room K103
Wed 18-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna room K103
Thu 19-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Pinni room A1081
Fri 20-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna room K103