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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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MTTS1 Functional and Shape Data Analysis 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
MDP in Computational Big Data Analytics, Computer Sciences
Faculty of Natural Sciences

Learning outcomes

In this course, the main characteristics of functional and shape data analysis are introduced. After the course, the student is able to apply appropriate descriptive and smoothing methods on functional and shape data sets. The student learns to apply linear and mixed models to functional and shape data sets, and acquires understanding how to use derivatives in functional data analysis and how to do Procrustes analysis in statistical shape analysis. Also, main shape distributions are introduced to the student.

General description


- Introduction to functional and shape data analysis with R and Matlab

- Functional principal component and canonical correlation analysis

- Linear and mixed models for functional and shape data sets

- Linear differential operators in functional data analysis

- Procrustes analysis in statistical shape analysis

- Shape distributions

Enrolment for University Studies

TTY:n opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssille ristiinopiskelupalvelun ohjeiden mukaisesti.

Enrolment time has expired


Jarkko Isotalo, Teacher responsible


10-Jan-2019 – 1-Mar-2019
Thu 10-Jan-2019 - 28-Feb-2019 weekly at 10-12, LS B0016, Pinni B
Fri 11-Jan-2019 - 1-Mar-2019 weekly at 12-14, LS B0016, Pinni B
Thu 7-Mar-2019 at 12-15, RH A21, päätalo
Thu 10-Jan-2019 - 28-Feb-2019 weekly at 12-14, LS B0016, Pinni B

Further information

Recommended preceding studies:
Understanding of basics of statistics and probability. For example minimum of UTA courses consists of MTTTP1 Introduction to Statistics and MTTTP5 Basics of Statistical Inference (or equivalent).