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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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BTK4702 Stem Cells Laboratory Course 4 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Bioteknologian maisteriopinnot
Solu- ja kudosteknologia
Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences

Learning outcomes

After completing the course student can define the most common stem cell culture methods and knows basic stem cell differentiation and characterisation methods. Student knows general practice how to work with human pluripotent and mesenchymal stem cells and how to write a scientific report of the laboratory work.

General description

Laboratory practical including work with human pluripotent and mesechymal stem cell culture, differentiation and charactersation. Laboratory diary and end report of the laboratory work.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Heli Skottman, Teacher responsible


18-Mar-2019 – 5-Apr-2019
Tutorials 80 hours
Laboratory work
Mon 18-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Tue 19-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Wed 20-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Thu 21-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Fri 22-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Mon 25-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Tue 26-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Wed 27-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Thu 28-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Fri 29-Mar-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Mon 1-Apr-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Tue 2-Apr-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Wed 3-Apr-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Thu 4-Apr-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226, Time per day variable
Laboratory work
Fri 5-Apr-2019 at 8.15-16.00, E234b/E226
Independent work 20 hours
Mon 4-Mar-2019 at 13.00-14.00, Arvo F217


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation of the laboratory work and end report.

Study materials

Material provided in the course.

Further information

Vacination for tetanus and hepatitis (A+B) required due to the work with human samples. When selecting the course participants the priority is given to the UTA Biotechnology programme students.

Prerequisites and recommendations:

BTK1023, BTK1014, BTK1053, BTK4400, BTK2051, BTK2056, BTK1031, BTK4662 or equivalent knowledge