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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
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PEACE040 RETURN TO PEACE after Civil War: violence, conflicts and peaceful change 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

After the completion of the course the student:
- recognizes different approaches to bring peace after civil war
- understands various forms of violence and its long term influences
- learns different processes that support returning to peace and difficulties of the processes
- understands possible tools available by the third party and their limitations

General description

The forms of violence in civil wars are quite often more intensified and fatal than in traditional wars among states. Violence is present within the whole society and divides it into antagonist camps. Returning to peace after bloody civil war is therefore also more painful and complex. It takes time to recover from civil wars since the wounds are deeply engrained in the society and they dominate every day experiences among people. This course focuses on the ways to end violence after civil war and build up sustainable and just peace, ways to heal collective and individual trauma and reconstruct destroyed community but also damaged environment. The course examines from various thematic, but also disciplinary perspectives, challenges and obstacles of returning to peace after civil war. It is focused mostly on Finnish Civil War (1917), Irish civil wars and Middle Eastern cases. It offers multi- and inter-disciplinary focus by combining psychological, historical, peace studies and legal approaches.


1) Mediation & peace processes

2) Reconciliation, trauma and remembering

3) Transitional justice & reconstruction

4) Refugees and forced displacement


16.1.2017 Marko Lehti (UTA): Introduction 

19.1.2017 Pertti Haapala (History, UTA) –”From Chaos to Compromise. The Civil War 1918 and its aftermath in Finland”

23.1.2016 Jyrki Ruohomäki (TAPRI, UTA): “The politics of memory and re-membering in post-conflict Northern Ireland”

26.1.2017 Anne Heimo (University of Turku): “Coping with the Past: The 1918 Finnish Civil War”

30.1.2017 Jukka Kekkonen (University of Helsinki): “Political and legal repression after Finnish and Spanish civil wars. A comparative analysis.”

2.2.2017 Elise Feron (TAPRI, UTA) "Northern Ireland: Peace without Reconciliation?"

6.2.2017 Laura Huttunen (anthropology, UTA): "Missing persons and the transition to peace:  Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond"

9.2.2017 Tanja Tamminen (IOS, Germany): ”Kosovo – from dialogue to reconciliation”

13.2.2017 Roland Kostic: “Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Examining top-down approaches and bottom up response”

15.2.2017 Susanne Dahlgren (anthropology, UTA): “ Reconstruction of civil society after violent civil war: the case of Yemen”

20.2.2017 Anitta Kynsilehto (TAPRI): "Fleeing civil war: Syrians in exile"

23.2.2017 Armenak Tokjman (TAPRI, UTA) “Conflict transformation: examples from Syria”

27.2.2017 Bruno Lefort (TAPRI, UTA/ Montreal) “After Lebanese Civil war” (Skype lecture)

2.3.2017 Karim Maiche (TAPRI) “Partial Amnesty and the Confidence-Building in Post-Civil War Algeria”

6.3.2017 Raija-Leena Punamäki: “Traumatic war experiences and possibility of reconciliation: psychological aspects.”

9.3.2017 Aleksi Ylönen (Lisbon): "South Sudan: Endless Instability?"

13.3.2017. Frank Möller (TAPRI,  UTA) Children of Rwanda

16.3.2017 Eeva Puumala (TAPRI):  ”Refugees and asylum seekers: experiencing civil war from a distance”.

20.3.2017 Mahdi Abdile: “From democracy to perpetual chaos and improvement: The case of Somalia”

The course will take place on Mondays and Thursdays at 12-14, except:

Monday 30 January at 16-18

Monday 27 February at 16-18.

Wednesday 15.2.2017 at 12-14

Lectures 38h, literature given by lecturers and student workshops chaired by TAPRI phd-students.

Student write a lecture diary on the basis of lectures and given material.

Students participate to dialogic workshops (4 sessions, 2 hours each) facilitated by TAPRI’s PhD students in which target orientated questions are given beforehand and joint concluding statement are written jointly.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Marko Lehti, Teacher responsible


16-Jan-2017 – 20-Mar-2017
Lectures 38 hours
Mon 16-Jan-2017 - 20-Mar-2017 weekly at 12-14, Main building, lecture room A3
30-Jan-2017 at 16 –18 , Main building, lecture room A3
20-Feb-2017 at 12 –14 , Main building, lecture room D13
27-Feb-2017 at 16 –18 , Main building, lecture room A3
Thu 19-Jan-2017 - 16-Mar-2017 weekly at 12-14, Linna K113
Wed 15-Feb-2017 at 12-14, Linna K113
Tutorials 8 hours


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

Course: open for all students but targeted specially for students at Faculty of Social Sciences.


Degree Programme in Social Sciences: SOSM7

Degree Programme in Politics (International Relations): POLKVS33 Peace and Conflict Research