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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
JOUJOVTS Optional Course: Russian Media and Journalism in the Globalized World 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Journalistiikan ja mediatutkimuksen maisteriopinnot
School of Communication, Media and Theatre

Learning outcomes

Students will gain new knowledge and general understanding of the character of change in Russia seen through the developments of media and journalism. This will raise their interest in Russian studies in the context of global challenges.

General description

The course offers students basic knowledge of post-communist transformation of Russian media and journalism, including new alternative media, and discusses their conflicting roles in contemporary Russia within a global context, including BRICS. The lectures are mainly based on recent international projects funded by Academy of Finland.

Teachers: Emeritus Professor Kaarle Nordenstreng (2h), Visiting Professor Elena Vartanova, Moscow State University (4h), Docent Svetlana Pasti (6h), Researcher Dmitry Yagodin (6h), and Researcher Saara Ratilainen (2h)

Enrolment for University Studies

In NettiOpsu by 13 February. Max 30 students.

Enrolment time has expired


Svetlana Pasti, Teacher responsible


13-Feb-2017 – 3-Mar-2017
Lectures 20 hours
Mon 13-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Tue 14-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Wed 15-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Tue 21-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Wed 22-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Thu 23-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Tue 28-Feb-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Wed 1-Mar-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Thu 2-Mar-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B3117
Fri 3-Mar-2017 at 10-12, PINNI B4115

Evaluation criteria

Course requirements:

-          Active participation in the class and acquaintance with reference readings.

-          Readings and participation in a study group presentation of a selected topic of the course to be agreed with the course instructor.

-          A lecture diary of 8-10 pages (1,5 spacing, 12pt). The diary is not supposed to be a simple summary of the lectures but rather a synthesis of main concepts and ideas from the lectures and related readings as well as personal reflections on the issues covered.

-          An essay of 4-5 pages (1,5 spacing, 12pt). The essay will focus on a topic to be agreed with the course instructor and written individually.

Further information


Mon-13-Feb Svetlana Pasti and Kaarle Nordenstreng: Introduction to the course and to Russian media and journalism

Tue-14-Feb Elena Vartanova. Russian media system in the globalized context
Wed-15-Feb Elena Vartanova. Russian media system in the globalized context

Tue-21-Feb Dmitry Yagodin:New media forms and internet governance debate in Russia

Wed-22-Feb Dmitry Yagodin: Russian media coverage of international issues and conflicts

Thu-23-Feb Dmitry Yagodin: Russian soft power and global public diplomacy efforts

Tue-28-Feb Svetlana Pasti: Journalism profession in Russia and BRICS 

Wed-1-Mar Svetlana Pasti:  Gender and journalism in Russia and BRICS     

Thu- 2-Mar Saara Ratilainen:Online lifestyle media and creative networks on the Runet

Fri-3-Mar Study group presentations and discussion moderated by Svetlana Pasti