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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TAYJ031 ABC of Scientific Communication 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes: To familiarise students with various aspects of scientific communication.

Form of education: Lectures, different lecturers

Timetable: 9.3.-11.5.2016at 15-17 (-18) o'clock

9.3., B-building, big lecture hall
15.15- 15.20 Opening the course, Seppo Parkkila
15.20- 16.15 Statistical reporting, Heini Huhtala
16.15-17.15 Writing a scientific article from biomedical research, Seppo Parkkila

16.3., B-building, big lecture hall
15.15- 16.30 Science communications, Laura Tohka

6.4., T-building lecture hall
15.15- 16.45 Tables and statistical graphics, Raili Salmelin

13.4., B-building big lecture hall
15.15- 16.45 The role of the editor in Scientific publishing, Timo Partonen

20.4.,B-building big lecture hall
15.15- 16.00 Research article publishing: open access, Sari Leppänen
16.15- 18.00 Producing better English text, Robert Hollingsworth

4.5., B-building big lecture hall
15.15- 16.45 Scientific lectures, congress abstracts and posters, Seppo Parkkila

11.5., B-building big lecture hall
15.15- 16.00 Publishing a doctoral dissertation, Sari Leppänen
16.15- 17.00 Doctoral dissertation- practical aspects, Markku Kulomaa

Participants: Open to all. Especially recommended for doctoral students and students enrolled on the Tampere Research Training Program for Medical Students.

Evaluation: Pass/fail.

Enrolment: Students are required to enrol the course with e-form: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/6964/lomake.html . Enrolment period is 18.1- 12.2.2016


Parkkila, Seppo, Teacher responsible


9-Mar-2016 – 11-May-2016

