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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
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PEACE040 Non-Western IR approaches and the conflict sensitive international order 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

IR theories are basically Western centric, based on Western historical experience and intellectual traditions. However, all actors in the international system do not necessarily act according to the rationality of the Western centric theories. Currently emerging powers challenge the international system and that might challenge also the mainstream IR theories. In order to avoid a conflictual behaviour, it is worth of knowing approaches based on non-Western world views. The aim of the course is to find out whether the epistemic communities in the emerging states are challenging our traditional interpretations about the international system and politics. Simultaneously students are encouraged to invent new perspectives in interpreting international politics. The course should also make it possible to evaluate how international IR as an academic discipline is as well as to estimate whether changes in the international system require new approaches in understanding international politics.

Course consist 8 h of lectures and 16 h of seminars.

Lectures give a general overview to the topic of the course: changing international order; Western centric IR and challenging IR approaches from the non-Western world.

For the seminar session each of the students have to read provided articles and each of the articles will be introduced by one student for discussion.

Students also have to write a learning diary about how they have found the texts and also explicate how those texts might affect their own understanding about the international politics.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Jyrki Käkönen, Teacher responsible


10-Jan-2017 – 22-Feb-2017
Lectures 8 hours
Tue 10-Jan-2017 at 10-12, Linna 6017
Wed 11-Jan-2017 at 10-12, Linna 6017
Tue 17-Jan-2017 at 10-12, Linna 6017
Wed 18-Jan-2017 at 10-12, Linna 6017
Seminar 16 hours
Tue 31-Jan-2017 - 21-Feb-2017 weekly at 10-12, Linna 6017
Wed 1-Feb-2017 - 22-Feb-2017 weekly at 10-12, Linna 6017


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

Compensations in International Relations:

POLKVS33 Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus/Peace and Conflict Research


POLKVS31 Maailmanpolitiikan tutkimus/The Study of World Politics