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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
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YKT09.4 Grassroots - theorizing activism (web course) 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yhteiskuntatutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelma
Faculty of Social Sciences

General description

The course explores connections between social change, empowerment and theory. What is grassroots? The course aspires to develop the students’ understanding of concepts central to feminist and post-colonial theory within the context of different movements for social change and peace. Examples include grassroots women’s activism in sub Sahara Africa, feminist and queer self-defense groups and anti-consumerist and eco- and animal-friendly activism in Europe and the US. During the course students will question and discuss different kinds of social movements. Students will also engage in discussions on peace and conflict related to intersections of gender and race.

The students will be expected to read the course material and actively take part in online discussions in small groups. There will be video lectures and a field work in which the students will do an analysis and discussion of a chosen area alternatively a comparison of two groups or organizations. Participation throughout the course is obligatory. The course will be made in weekly cycles and is foremost for students on a basic level in gender studies.

After the completed course the student should be able to:

– recognize different forms of activism

– express own critical thoughts on activism

– make an intersectional analysis.


Freja Högback, Teacher
Be Nordling, Teacher
Albina Gakuru Hipp, Teacher


25-Sep-2017 – 17-Nov-2017

Further information

The course is organized by HILMA Network for Gender Studies.

If you will selected to the course, please contact the course contact person in Tampere University (Hanna Ojala, Hanna.L.Ojala@uta.fi) for agreeing on the registration of the course.