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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Biometry and statistical computing 7 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
School of Health Sciences

General description

  • Data collection and description of the data
  • Sampling and propability in distributions
  • Experiments
  • Statistical dependancy and correlation
  • Basics of statistical inference
  • Modelling and testing
  • Statistical computing: R

The course consists of lectures, homework, guided practicals and report.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Professor Tapio Nummi, Teacher responsible
Yliopisto-opettaja Nina Talola, Teacher


24-Sep-2013 – 14-Dec-2013
Tue 24-Sep-2013 - 3-Dec-2013 weekly at 15.30-17.00, T-Auditorium, First lecture 24.9 at 15.30
15-Oct-2013 , Period break, no lecture
29-Oct-2013 at 15.30 –17.00 , Level test
Group work
Practicals: group 1(finnish)
Tue 24-Sep-2013 - 3-Dec-2013 weekly at 17.00-19.00, T-ML72
15-Oct-2013 , period break, no practical
29-Oct-2013 , no practical
Practicals: group 2(english)
Wed 25-Sep-2013 - 4-Dec-2013 weekly at 15.00-17.00, ARVO-ML71
16-Oct-2013 , period break, no practical
30-Oct-2013 , no practical
Practicals: group 3(finnish)
Wed 25-Sep-2013 - 4-Dec-2013 weekly at 15.00-17.00, T-ML72
16-Oct-2013 , period break, no practical
30-Oct-2013 , no practical

Study materials

  1. Altman D. Practical Statistics for Medical Research. Chapman & Hall 1991.
  2. Moore D and Notz W. Statistics: Concepts and Controversies. W.H. Freeman 2008 (http://www.whfreeman.com/scc)
  3. Moode D, McGabe G and Craig B. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. W.H. Freeman 2009
  4. Scott and Mazhindu. Statistics for Health Care Professionals. Sage 2005.