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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
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PEACE035 Peace Mediation and National Dialogues 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

-Students will know how peace mediation and (national) dialogue is a part of a broader peacemaking process
-Students understand various challenges associated with peace mediation situation
-Students are aware of various peace mediation models and practices
-Students have basic understanding how to act as a mediator

General description

What is the role of traditional peace mediation in the context of a changing international framework and what can be achieved by international mediation? Notably, changes have taken place in the more recent unfolding of conflicts, and this presents peace mediation and the efforts of negotiation with considerable challenges. Simultaneously the UN has improved its own organization, the EU has included mediation into its agenda and many small and middle sized countries, such as Norway, have turned mediation into an integral part of their foreign policy. Overall, a rather flexible and multifaceted diplomacy is on its way of supplanting the traditional state-centric diplomacy. It may further be noted that a number of countries lean on cooperation with NGOs or even outsource their contribution to mediation to the NGOs. It appears that the models applied in the sphere of mediation vary and one of the aims of the course is to ponder on the diversity of available options and actors. Mediation and dialogue are not approached only from third party’s perspective but instead examined as part of the whole peace process and critically examined the role of mediator and international actors.

The courses combines lectures, workshops, literature, practitioner’s visits as well as role playing rehearsal.

27.10.2014    Introduction (Lehti)

29.10.2014    Lecture

3.11. & 5.11.  Lecture

10.11.            Visit: Rami Kolehmainen

12.11.            Visit: Kimmo Kiljunen, Special Representative of Foreign Minister for Regional Peace-Mediation Tasks

17.11.            Mediator’s role and simulation game role setting (Lehti + others)

19.11.            Visit: Antti Pentikäinen, Executive Director of Finn Church Aid

20.11.            Simulation game exercises (students are expected to reserve the whole day for the simulation game) (Lehti, Rampke, Mustasilta)

21.11.            Simulation game – feedback (half day) (Lehti, Rampke, Mustasilta)

24.11.            Visit: Meeri-Maria Jaarva, Head, Programme Development and Coordination, CMI

26.11 Lecture

1.12 Lecture

3.12 Lecture

8.12 Lecture

Enrolment for University Studies

The course is only available for the degree students in the Peace programme. Max 25 students in order of enrolment. Lectures with Guest speakers are open for the degree students in the Peace programme.

Enrolment time has expired


Marko Lehti, Teacher responsible


27-Oct-2014 – 8-Dec-2014
Lectures 24 hours
Mon 27-Oct-2014 - 8-Dec-2014 weekly at 12-14, Linna 5026
Wed 29-Oct-2014 - 26-Nov-2014 weekly at 12-14, Linna 5026, Please note: 29.10 in Linna 5014
Exercises 13 hours
Thu 20-Nov-2014 at 9-18, Linna building K113 and K109
Fri 21-Nov-2014 at 9-13, Linna building K110