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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2012–2013
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
SOS10.2.1 Youth Transition to Adulthood 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Sosiaalitieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description


Teacher: Aurélie Mary (Linna 5109)

(Kurssi kuuluu Perhe ja elämänkulku teemaan.

Kurssi voi korvata seuraavat kohdat:

SOS 10.2.2 Lapsuus, nuoruus ja perheen vuorovaikutus

Tai/ja SOS 10.2.1 Perhe, muutos ja yhteiskunnan rakenteet)

Teaching period: Periodi III-IV (Starting week 11 on 11.3.2013 – Finishing week 17 on 26.4.2013)

Lectures on Mondays 14-16 - Seminars on Fridays 12-14

24h course including 12h lectures and 12h seminars (6-weeks course)

Room: Linna 5016   

Course intended for 18-20 students (20 maximum)

Course description:

The course is based on a comparative study between Finland and France, within EU context. The study compares essentially young women's situation, but also reflects upon youth transition to adulthood in general.

The course introduces students to research conducted in advanced societies on youth transition to adulthood and the supposed prolongation of youth. In the different lectures, the actual patterns and markers of transition to the stage of adulthood are examined, based on up-to-date studies. The lectures analyse the current phenomenon of youth extension and changes within the stage of transition itself. The course enlarges towards contemporary socio-economic restructuring and highlights the influence it bears upon young people's routes of integration within the wider social sphere.

The teaching occurs via lectures and seminars. The lectures provide theoretical knowledge on particular themes related to youth transition to adulthood. In the seminars, the themes are explored deeper during small presentations, and group discussions (based on questions and/or reading material).


Course content:

Lecture 1 - Mon 11.3.2013 : course introduction, mention course assessment, introduction to youth studies and youth transition

Seminar 1 - Fri 15.3.2013: discussing existing theories on youth transition, course assessment: presentations & essay writing

Lecture 2 - Mon 18.3.2013: youth extension in figures and re-contextualisation; young people's present socio-economic situation

Seminar 2 - Fri 22.3.2013: presentations + discussing young people’s present social context

Lecture 3 - Mon 25.3.2013: school to work transition; general info about Finland and France (differences, etc…); introduction to doing comparative research

--- Easter break ---

Seminar 3 - Fri 5.4.2013: presentations + discussing cross-country research and the cases of Finland and France (differences, similarities…)

Lecture 4 - Mon 8.4.2013: integrating the labour market; situation in Finland and France; young people’s expectations from working life and dilemmas

Seminar 4 - Fri 12.4.2013: presentations + discussing strategies of integration

Lecture 5 - Mon 15.4.2013: leaving home and plans for family formation; living arrangements

Seminar 5 - Fri 19.4.2013: presentations + discussing today’s young people’s attitudes towards living arrangements and starting a family

Lecture 6 - Mon 22.4.2013: becoming adult, re-conceptualising the concept of adulthood, new perspectives on transition, new pathways to adulthood

Seminar 6 - Fri 26.4.2013: presentations + discussing patterns of transition and concept change; course conclusion



Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Aurélie Mary, Teacher responsible


11-Mar-2013 – 26-Apr-2013
Lectures 12 hours
Mon 11-Mar-2013 - 22-Apr-2013 weekly at 14-16, Linna 5016
Seminar 12 hours
Fri 15-Mar-2013 - 26-Apr-2013 weekly at 12-14, Linna 5016