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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
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PEACE009 Visual Peace Research: The Visual Construction of Knowledge in Peace and Conflict Research 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

The student understands the ways in which visual images operate in wars, conflict situations, post-conflict situations and peace processes.

General description

The course explores what forms of knowledge on war, conflict and peace images produce. Images are understood here as invitations to discussions widening the discursive frames within which human activities unfold. Methodologically hybrid, the course discusses different forms of visual representation such as photography, film and comics, their interaction with language and their multi-sensory operations on the observer.

Lectures plus students’ papers and discussion: 12 h lectures, 12 h seminars. Students are expected to read articles/chapters during the lecture period and present their own papers in the seminar.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment through Nettiopsu.

Enrolment and participation for the course:
Priority is given for degree students in Master's programme in Peace, Mediation and Coflict Research (1st and 2nd year students in order of enrolment and then students from collaboration University Åbo Academy).
If places are available, students outside the programme are selected in the following order:
- UTA degree students from other programmes
- UTA exchange students
- Master level students who have a very good academic English and good background knowledge in the field of study.

Enrolment time has expired


Frank Möller, Teacher responsible


15-Jan-2014 – 12-Mar-2014
Lectures 24 hours
Wed 8-Jan-2014 - 5-Mar-2014 weekly at 10-13, Tapri seminar room 126, No lectures 5 February 2014


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

Active participation in lectures and presentation of own papers.

Study materials

Michael J. Shapiro 1988. The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography and Policy Analysis. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, chapter 4.

Alex Danchev 2009. On Art and War and Terror. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press University Press.

Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites 2009. No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Susan Sontag 2003. Regarding the Pain of Others. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.