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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
HALHAA15 Organisational Change Dynamics and Management 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Hallintotieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Management

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, student is able to approach organisations from different theoretical viewpoints. Student is able to analyse organisational structures, and argue the suitability of structure with the strategy, tasks, and environmental challenges of a given organisation. Student understands the relevant issues and managerial challenges in organizational change dynamics. Student masters theories and models for improving organisational structures and management.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Minna Branders, Teacher responsible


27-Oct-2016 – 30-Nov-2016
Independent work

Further information

Students will work independently. The written essay based on literature (and instructions) shared in Moodle (opening to the accepted students 27.10.) is to be returned via e-mail to the teacher of the course 30.11. by latest. Only the students accepted to the course can do the essay.