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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2011–2012
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VALTS4 An introduction to correlation and regression using SPSS 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
School of Management

General description

Aim: The aim of this course is to show how one can use SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to conduct a linear regression and correlation. The course covers two basic themes in statistics, as these are: 1) How to find the linear relationship between variables and 2) How to find if one variable affects the other. Each class will start with a lecture introducing the day's topic. The second part of the class will take place in a computer LAB where students will have the chance to practice with real world elections data.

Objectives: The course has two objectives: 1) Link theory with applications 2) Learn the basics of SPSS that the student might use in her/his future studies or work.

Schedule: Each lecture will last for 3 hours (1.5 hours class + 1.5 hours LAB).

Learning method: The main idea behind the course is to teach concepts that may seem to be 'difficult' in a fun way and in a relaxed atmosphere! After completing this course, students will know the basics in linear regression and correlation and be able to perform some useful tasks in SPSS.

Course requirements: This is an introductory course and therefore there are no requirements, other than willingness to learn new things.

Target group: Undergraduates or postgraduates of political science, economics, finance, social sciences, humanities and everybody else who wants to grasp some basics in linear regression.

Grade: Participation and a learning diary.


Lecture 1 (3h): Linear relationship between variables
In this lecture we see how to test whether there is a linear relationship between variables. We learn concepts such as: linear relationship, scatter diagram, Pearson r correlation, critical value,  etc.

Lecture 2 (3h): Linear regression I
This lecture covers simple linear regressions. We learn concepts such as: The slope, the intercept, prediction equation, coefficient of determination, etc.  

Lecture 3 (3h): Linear regression II
This lecture continues from the previous one. We learn concepts such as: Ordinary least squares, heteroscedasticity, regression with error terms, etc.

Some text books on statistics and SPSS

For an introduction in the theory of statistics, a good book is:
"Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences" (1997) by Agresti Alan and Finlay Barbara. Prentice Hall.
You can find this book at Linna library: LINNA Kurssikirjat

Another good book is:

"Applied regression. An introduction" (1980) by Michael S. Lewis Beck. Sage: Quantitative applications in the Social Sciences.
You can find this book at Linna library: 31 Lewis-Beck

WWW version: http://SRMO.sagepub.com/view/applied-regression/SAGE.xml
For an introduction to SPSS a good and accessible book is: "SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows" by Lulie Pallant (2007); Open University Press [Available at Linna; 61 Pallant; 1 copy] and "Discovering Statistics using SPSS (And sex and drugs and rock n? roll)" by Field Andy (2009); Sage Publication. [Available at Linna; 31 Field; 1 copy]. Also, there are plenty of internet sources that one can use to grasp the basics of SPSS. For example:





Enrolment for University Studies

Registration is required: There is a limited space available relevant to the size of the computer lab. Register yourself until the 6th of May 2011 by sending an e-mail to: Achillefs.Papageorgiou@uta.fi


Achillefs Papageorgiou, Teacher responsible


7-May-2012 – 11-May-2012
Lectures 9 hours
Mon 7-May-2012 at 12-15, Linna K113 (1.5 hours), computer room Linna K114 (1.5 hours)
Wed 9-May-2012 at 12-15, Linna K113 (1.5 hours), computer room Linna K114 (1.5 hours)
Fri 11-May-2012 at 12-15, Linna K113 (1.5 hours), computer room Linna K114 (1.5 hours)