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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TAYJ027 Qualitative Analyses of Interview Data 2–3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes

After the course, participants:

- recognize different approaches to reading, analyzing and interpreting interview data

- are aware of crucial issues concerning scientific and analytic rigour

- find relevant literature on theoretical and analytical aspects on interviews

- are able to discuss the validity and ethics of their own interview research

Course Description

The qualitative interview has become one of the most frequently used methods to generate data to make sense of our lives, and an invaluable tool for the qualitative researcher. Whether chosen as the default and sole means of data generation on its own, or combined with other forms of data gathering and analyses, interview practice continues to evolve, diversify and flourish. This three-day course focuses on the analysis of interview data. It deals with the variety of styles and traditions of analysis, the practical aspects and steps along the way, as well as key questions analyst should be asking and the practical coding tools available.  The course consists of lectures on specific analytic stances and approaches by specialist in the field, discussion on doctoral researchers’ own ongoing analysis and the key questions tackled therein, and information on relevant software (Atlas.ti) one can use to code the data and support the analysis phase.

Time: 10.4. 17.4. & 24.4. 10.15 - 16.00

Teacher in charge: Pirjo Nikander, Univ. of Tampere + key experts in the field

Number of students: 25

Place: Linna K110

Tue 10.4.2018

10.15-12.00      Introduction to the course themes and to the ongoing research projects of the participants

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-14.00      The variety of data generation and epistemological stances to interview data

14.00-16.00      Discussion on participants’ data sets, the questions raised in pre-assignments and on-going projects


Tue 17.4. 2018

10.15-11.00      Crossing that hurdle: From data generation to analysis proper  

11.00-12.00      Dr. Zsuzsa Millei (Research Collegium) Poststructural discourse analysis: Reading data of children in institutional settings

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-14.00     Jaakko Hyytiä (University of Tampere): Using Atlas.ti to manage and code your interview data

14.-16.00           Presentations by participants + discussion


Tue 24.4.2018

10.15-12.00      Ilkka Pietilä (Assistant prof. University of Helsinki) Analysing group interviews: a focus on interaction

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-16.00     Presentations by participants + discussion


The course consists of active participation to ALL THREE days and of a pre-assignment. Your pre-assignment is sent to Moodle (deadline 31.3.2018) and should include the following:


1. You name and disciplinary background

2. Your topic of research, the stage you are currently in (collecting data, analyzing interviews + potentially data gathered by other means), your analytic tools and means of analysis (how do I approach my interview data).

3. What you find most challenging when working with your data?

4. What you expect to learn and discuss during the course.

5. Indication of your wish to present or discuss your work and analysis during the course.

Evaluation: pass/fail, students presenting data or presenting on their ongoing analytic process will receive 3 ECTS, others 2 ECTS.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Pirjo Nikander, Teacher responsible


10-Apr-2018 – 24-Apr-2018

