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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2012–2013
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KATJOS22 Business Competence 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kauppatieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
Yrityksen johtaminen
School of Management

Learning outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, a student will be expected to be able to:
- demonstrate a critical understanding of the diversity of business models and of the impact of business models on the operations of firms
- apply appropriate theoretical concepts, tools and techniques which facilitate business model design and management in firms
- analyse, compare and evaluate the alternative business models.

Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija ymmärtää liiketoimintaosaamisen teoreettiset lähtökohdat, ajattelun logiikan, keskeiset käsitteet ja viitekehykset. Opiskelija kykenee tuottamaan vaihtoehtoisia liiketoimintamallikuvauksia ja arvioimaan näiden mallien eroavaisuuksia. Opiskelijalla on myös valmiudet analysoida eri yritysten liiketoimintamalleja, ansaintalogiikoita sekä niihin pohjautuvia johtamisjärjestelmiä

General description

The course will examine the elements of business models and explore how they differ across industries and the phases of a firm’s growth. The emphasis will be on a holistic approach to business models and earnings principles including strategy, marketing and branding, operations and supply chain, HRM, innovation and finance. However, the above functional divisions are often not found in small businesses. Instead managers need to be flexible and able to cope with the complexity and ambiguity of operating within a contemporary and dynamic context. This course aims also to encourage students to widen their knowledge of business know-how in the context of small business.

Opintojakson aihealueita ovat liiketoimintaosaaminen, liiketoimintamallit ja niiden kehittäminen, liiketoimintamallit käytännössä sekä yritysesimerkit.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Helena Forsman, Teacher responsible


9-Jan-2013 – 27-Feb-2013
Seminar 24 hours
Wed 9-Jan-2013 - 27-Feb-2013 weekly at 9-12, Pinni A3020

Evaluation criteria

Pre-exam, readings and a group assignment

Study materials

Kaplan, S. (2012) The Business Model Innovation Factory. How to Stay Relevant When the World is Changing. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & sons Inc. (available from the Library as an eBook).

Articles Used in Lectures/Seminars

Further information

Prior to the course start, students are required to take an electronic pre-exam covering the basics of the course. The aim of the pre-exam is to help students to approach the main theories and concepts. In addition, the aim is to assess whether students have reached the sufficient general knowledge that is needed for the successful completion of this course. The assessment will be from 1 to 5. The passed exam qualifies a student to participate in seminars.

Please, read the following book for the pre-exam:
Kaplan, S. (2012) The Business Model Innovation Factory. How to Stay Relevant When the World is Changing. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & sons Inc. (available from the Library as an eBook).