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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KVPOS3 Soviet Russia: Rhetorics on Ideology and Politics vs. the Realities of Everyday Life 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kansainvälinen politiikka
Dept. of Political Science and International Relations

General description

Compensates 2 cr pts from World Politics agreed with Prof. Harle before starting or from European Studies Prozorov's or Scott's book.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment via NettiOpsu http://www.uta.fi/nettiopsu/


Helene Carlbäck, Teacher


Lectures 20 hours
Mon 6-Oct-2008 - 13-Oct-2008 weekly at 16-19, Pinni B4115
Tue 7-Oct-2008 - 14-Oct-2008 weekly at 16-18, Pinni B4115
Thu 9-Oct-2008 - 16-Oct-2008 weekly at 16-18, Pinni B4115
Fri 10-Oct-2008 - 17-Oct-2008 weekly at 10-13, Pinni B4115