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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
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POLVOA22/S21/22 [KOPIO]Regional Challenges to Multilateralism 5–10 ECTS
Implementation is also a part of open university teaching
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelma
Faculty of Management

General description

Multilateralism can be understood as a cooperative form of decision making on issue areas where supranational authority does not exist but where coordinated action is necessary. It is ideally an institutional arrangement that ensures global governance in a non-discriminatory manner wihtout regard to particularistic interests. Regionalism on the other hand refers to the different forms of regional cooperation among states that are drawn together through georhaphy, politics, culture and transnationalism  and most importantly, the benefits of cooperation. European integration process is the most developed form of regionalism and as such has served as a stepping stone for global cooperation. Under US leadership, the transatlantic region has been instrumental in developing the current structures of multilateralism and global governance. However, while population growth and climate change (among other things) necessitate even stronger cooperation, multilateral institutions like United Nations and World Trade Organization are being sidelined by regional organizations. Moreover, under Trump administration the former champion of liberal institutionalism has turned its back on multilateralism at the same time as the EU struggles with internal political and economic crisis.  This course provides tools to analyze current affairs of regional and global governance within the framework of comparative regioanalism and comparative institutional analysis. Studend also learns to set their analytical skills in practice through a policy paper workshop.



12-Mar-2018 – 3-May-2018
Lectures 12 hours
Mon 12-Mar-2018 - 26-Mar-2018 weekly at 10-12
Thu 15-Mar-2018 - 5-Apr-2018 weekly at 12-14
Seminar 12 hours
Mon 9-Apr-2018 - 30-Apr-2018 weekly at 10-12
Thu 12-Apr-2018 - 3-May-2018 weekly


Numeric 1-5.

Study materials

Further information

- Lectures and intstructions, 12 hours  - Seminarwork, 12 hours - Individual and group work about 100 hours to be used for the following: a) individual reading of course material about 6 research articles, b) 300 word commentaries of each article, c) group work: preparing and presenting a policy brief, d) 1800-2500 word individual essay or policy paper.