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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2012–2013
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
PSYS11 Muu valinnainen kurssi - Introduction to quantitative single-subject research methods 2 op
I Periodi II Periodi III Periodi IV Periodi
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Suoritettavien opintojaksojen kuvaukset opinto-oppaissa
Psykologian tutkinto-ohjelma
Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden yksikkö


HUOM! Alkuperäisestä tiedosta poiketen tälle kurssille ei ole mahdollista osallistua videovälitteisesti. Luennoille osallistutaan Åbo Akademin tiloissa Turussa.

Prerequisites: participation to the course requires that the student has taken the obligatory undergraduate courses in statistical methods and experimental design.
Lecturers: Matti Laine, Ada Johansson
Aim and contents: In clinical practice, psychologists and speech-language therapists typically work with individuals, and with single subjects one cannot directly apply the traditional group-level study designs and statistical methods. The present introductory course presents quantitative methods that can be used to analyze data from single subjects, either in a cross-sectional assessment or in a longitudinal intervention
setup. The examples are drawn mainly from adult neuropsychological cases. The first part will review the logic of the study of specific cognitive impairments (dissociations) in single individuals both for research and for clinical practice, and will provide simple statistical methods to assess the presence of dissociations in test performances both compared to normative data and within the individual. The second part will discuss the role of single-case studies in the development of clinical rehabilitation evidence, review some common
single-case intervention designs (ABAB, multiple baseline) and provide some examples for the analysis of results from such intervention designs.
Learning outcomes: After the course, a student is expected to be able to:
-understand the logic and limitations of the study of performance dissociations in single-case studies
-apply simple statistical methods to verify performance dissociations in an individual with cognitive impairments
-appreciate the role of quantitative case-studies in the development of evidence-based clinical rehabilitation
-understand the logic and limitations of common single-case intervention designs
-apply basic single-case intervention designs
Form of teaching: Lectures (6 h), preparations (6 h), literature reading (15 h) and home assignments (30 h)
Examination: Home assignment

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen

Ilmoittautuminen sähköpostitse Yasmin Nyqvistille ti 6.11.12 mennessä:



7.11.2012 – 14.11.2012
Luento-opetus 6 tuntia
Ke 7.11.2012 klo 10.15-12, Åbo Akademi, ASA-rakennus, Vänrikinkatu 3, Långvågen-auditorio
Pe 9.11.2012 klo 10.15-12, Åbo Akademi, ASA-rakennus, Vänrikinkatu 3, Långvågen-auditorio
Ke 14.11.2012 klo 10.15-12, Åbo Akademi, Gripen, Hämeenkatu 13, PC-luokka (2. kerros)
Harjoitukset 6 tuntia
Itsenäinen työskentely


Kurssin järjestää Åbo Akademi.