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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
PEACE2 Peace Research Design 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimus
Faculty of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student:
- has learned how to choose his/her research topic, frameworks and questions.
- is able to define relevant methods to his/her theme.
- knows where to find research material and how to use it.
- has a sound understanding of the criteria for scientific research.
- is aware of methodical approaches relevant in Peace and Conflict Research.

General description

12.3. Marko Lehti: Introduction

15.3 Marko Lehti: Introduction

20.3. Bruno Lefort: Qualitative research interviews revisited: exploring collaborative methods

27.3. Élise Féron: Ethical and Conceptual Challenges in Peace and Conflict Research

10.4. Leena Vastapuu: Pros and Cons of Participant-Generated Image Methods: Lessons from the Field

17.4. Angel Iglesias Ortiz: Document analysis and textual perspectives as methods

24.4. (14-16) Tarja Väyrynen: Peace and Gender: narratives and visual methods

25.4. (10-12) Tarja Väyrynen: Peace and Gender: narratives and visual methods


Marko Lehti, Teacher responsible
Élise Féron, Teacher
Tarja Väyrynen, Teacher
Bruno Lefort, Teacher
Leena Vastapuu, Teacher
Angel Iglesias Ortiz, Teacher


12-Mar-2018 – 15-May-2018
Lectures 24 hours
Mon 12-Mar-2018 at 10-12, Linna 6018
Thu 15-Mar-2018 at 10-12, Linna 6018
Tue 20-Mar-2018 - 17-Apr-2018 weekly at 12-16, Linna 6018
3-Apr-2018 , No lecture
Tue 24-Apr-2018 at 14-16, Linna 5016
Wed 25-Apr-2018 at 10-12, Linna 6018
Tue 15-May-2018 at 9-16, place to be confirmed



Further information

Only for the students of the MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research.