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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
PGHAS06 Gender and wellbeing in the global south and north 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Public and Global Health
Faculty of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes


After successful completion of the course, the students
- are able to apply human rights approach to gender issues
- can recognize the major issues of demography, sexuality and use of force related to genders
- know how to analyze social determinants of gender and wellbeing (e.g. poverty and education)
- are aware of various issues and contexts in which culture links to gender
- understand the main determinants and global epidemiology of women´s health
- have the ability to analyze practices to enhance gender-related wellbeing

General description

A seminar on Gender, human rights, sexual rights by guest professor Dr. Anuj Kapilashrami, the Associate Director of Global Development Academy at the University of Edinburgh and the Chair of GRAND (Gender, Rights and Development), an international network of feminist scholars and practitioners to advance gender analysis in development and health is held on Monday October 16th 2017 at 12-14 in Arvo, lecture hall F211AB.

The seminar will be held in English and it is open to all.

Recent publications by Dr Kapilashrami on gender issues:

- Alsaba, K. and Kapilashrami, A. (2016) Understanding women's experience of violence and the political economy of gender in conflict: the case of Syria. Reproductive Health Matters. Available online 31 May 2016.

- Hawkes, S., Buse K. & Kapilashrami A. (2017) Gender Blind? An Analysis of Global Public-Private Partnerships for Health. Globalization and Health 13:26.

- Kapilashrami, A., R. Bisht, and S. Ravindran (2016). Feminist Movements and Gender Politics: Transnational Perspectives on Intersectionality. The Delhi University Journal of the Humanities and the Social Sciences 3: 171-184


Annariina Koivu, Teacher responsible


16-Oct-2017 – 16-Oct-2017
Lectures 2 hours
Guest lecture on 16th October 2017
Mon 16-Oct-2017 at 12-14, Arvo F211AB, Part of the course PGHAS06 that will be held in autumn 2018

Further information

NOTE! This seminar is a compulsory part of the course PGHAS06 Gender and wellbeing in the global south and north that will be taught in period II autumn 2018. PGHAS06 is a compulsory course of the PGH programme. Therefore attendance in this seminar is strongly recommended! No pre-enrollment. No separate credits are given for this seminar only.