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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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FILT10 Seminar in theoretical social research: Max Weber, Economy and Society 3–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Filosofian tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

The goal is to read Max Weber's Economy and Society, part 1. For the first meeting, read the introduction by the editor. There is no enrolment, welcome to the first meeting (even if you have not had a chance to read the text). The text is available from Moodle, the key is "Weber". Link: https://learning2.uta.fi/course/view.php?id=6911

General description


9.9, The introduction by the editor (G. Roth)

23.9, ss. 3-62  (I)

3-31 Milka Hanhela

31-62 Juho Karvinen,

7.10, ss. 63 - 111  (II)

63-90 Jaakko Reinikainen

90-111 Liban Sheikh

21.10 ss. 112-162 (II)

112-130 Viljami Hukka,

130-162 Martin Mainka

4.11, ss. 163-211 (II)

163-184 Kalle Virtanen

184-211 Juho Rantala

18.11 ss. 212 - 255 (III)

212-231 Miikaeli Kylä-Laaso

231-255 Lisa Lorenz

2.12, ss. 256 – 301 (III)

256-284 Marjukka Monni

284-301 Paula Rauhala

16.12 ss. 302 – 310 (IV)

302-310 Petro Leinonen


For 3 credits:

5 min presentation;

5-7 page summary of the 310 pages (ca. 1 page per meeting);

email to arto.laitinen@uta.fi by 16.12

for 5 credits,… (read + write an essay; negotiated with teachers)

for 7 credits, …. (read + write an essay; negotiated with teachers)

Meetings start at 16.00; be there 15.55 to get in from the main door.


Arto Laitinen, Teacher responsible
Risto Heiskala, Teacher responsible
Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen, Teacher responsible


9-Sep-2015 – 16-Dec-2015
Wed 9-Sep-2015 - 23-Sep-2015 weekly at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 7-Oct-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 21-Oct-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 4-Nov-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 18-Nov-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 2-Dec-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143
Wed 16-Dec-2015 at 16-18, Atalpa 143

Study materials

Max Weber, Economy and Society, part 1.