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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
RES13 Russian Labour Markets 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Russian and European Studies
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

After the course, students will have overall conception about development of Russian labor market in the post-soviet period. The course is based on theoretical concepts, statistical data by national and regional institutions, reports by ministries and authorities, legislative acts and regulations work out at federal and regional levels in Russia. As a supplementary material, various articles and reports on the topic of Russian labor market will be given.

General description

Situation at the labour market in Russia is still conditioned by character of labour relations formed in the Soviet Union. Transformation of economic-political system in the second half of 1980s led to gradual overcoming of ‘relic’ forms of out-economic compulsion in the labour sphere and forming labour market. Labour market as a global socio-economic system has essentially transformed on the way to the socio-oriented market economy; however, it has not yet measured up the western liberal model of labour relations. Mismatch between formal and informal labour market institutions led to forming ineffective models of behavior from the part of social subjects, fixation of these models and creation of sustainable ineffective establishments.

Content of the course:

  1. Introduction to the course. Russian model of labor market: general description.
  2. Historical aspects and specificity of the Russian labor market’s development. From administrative-command to the market economy and to the human-oriented labor market.
  3. Transitive economy, decentralization of power, transformation of regional labor markets and imbalance in their development.  
  4. Institutional modernization of Russian labor markets.  
  5. The Employment Policy in Russia.
  6. Formal and Informal Employment in Russia.
  7. Unemployment.
  8. Mobility of work places. Dynamics. Migration.
  9. Quality of Employment.


Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Oxana Krutova, Teacher responsible


18-Mar-2015 – 20-May-2015
Lectures 22 hours
Wed 18-Mar-2015 - 20-May-2015 weekly at 14-16, Linna 6017
20-May-2015 at 14 –18 , Linna 6017, Course exam

Further information

The course materials such as power point presentations, articles and other
materials will be saved on the online learning platform of the course. In the
Moodle it is offered also a discussion forum for all the participants of the

Students from other master's degree programmes are welcome to join the course.