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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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HTIS51 Book Exam in Human-Technology Interaction 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction
Faculty of Communication Sciences

Learning outcomes

After the course the student
- can read books on scientific topics and extract knowledge out of them
- has a profound understanding on a topic or a number of topics in Interactive technology.

General description

Exam available Electronically

Enrolment for University Studies

Email Sumita Sharma before scheduling the exam for instructions and prep quidance!


Sumita Sharma, Teacher responsible
Markku Turunen, Teacher responsible


1-Aug-2018 – 17-May-2019

Further information

The book exam for "There is no app for that" is available (Electronically).

General principles

For information on the mode of operation in the book, see the Exam instructions below.

The books that can be studied for this module can change from year to year. Each book has a separate examination. The credit points for the book exam can be included in the master's degree.

The Books That Can Be Taken for the Exam are available in the University Library and sometimes through other means as indicated below.

General advice is how to prepare for the exam is available in Finnish and in English.


Robinson, S., Marsden, G. and Jones, M. There is no app for that. Mobile User Experience for Morgan Kaufmann, 2014, 443 pp.

  • Gives 5 credit points. Grade is Pass / Fail.
  • Examiner: Sumita Sharma
  • Available online (requires basic user account for access) and two copies are coming soon at the university library.
  • Exam: the exam is in English and is available electronically. Please confirm your Eligibility with the examnier before scheduling the exam.

Exam instructions

The mode of operation in the book exam is as follows:

  1. The student studies a book.
  2. The student emails the examiner, and then registers for the exam Electronically.
  3. The student takes the exam, answering the questions received in the exam. The exam is a closed book exam, ie, the student can not have the book available in the exam.