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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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HALYAS14 Biodiversity Offsetting Game 10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Hallintotieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
Ympäristön ja alueiden politiikka
Faculty of Management

Learning outcomes

Understanding biodiversity offsetting, serious games, gamification, game design, and social interactions in gaming

General description

Aim: developing a tabletop game of biodiversity offsetting in collaboration with the Offsetting Game research project. Course consists of lectures on biodiversity offsetting, gamification and game design, of game testing sessions and a final Game Jam where small groups develop their own offsetting game designs

In the Degree programme in Information studies and Interactive media (ITI) and in the Master's Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies (IGS) this course can cover following courses:

ITIA11 Aineopintojen muu valinnainen opintojakso ITIS45 Current Approaches in Games and Internet Research
Please contact Olli Sotamaa (@ staff.uta.fi) for inquiries regarding the above degree programs!

Enrolment for University Studies

Max. 30 students

Enrolment time has expired


Nina Nygren, Teacher responsible
Lucas Brunet, Teacher

Homepage URL


24-Oct-2018 – 12-Dec-2018
Lectures 12 hours
Lectures and exercises
Wed 24-Oct-2018 at 10.15-11.45, Linna ls K108
Wed 31-Oct-2018 at 10.15-11.45, Linna rh K112
Wed 7-Nov-2018 - 21-Nov-2018 weekly at 10.15-11.45, Linna ls K108
Wed 28-Nov-2018 at 10.15-11.45, Linna ls K110
Wed 5-Dec-2018 at 10.15-11.45, Linna rh K112
Wed 12-Dec-2018 at 10.15-11.45, Linna ls K108
Group work 32 hours
Game testing
Fri 2-Nov-2018 - 9-Nov-2018 weekly at 12.15-15.45, Pinni ls B3109
Fri 16-Nov-2018 at 12.15-15.45
Fri 23-Nov-2018 - 14-Dec-2018 weekly at 12.15-15.45, Pinni ls B3109
Final Game Jam
Sat 8-Dec-2018 at 9.00-16.30, Off-campus in Tampere
Independent work 14 hours + 4 hours Web-based



Evaluation criteria

Attending lectures, game testing and game development sessions

Reporting game testing sessions

Study materials

See Moodle