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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2016–2017
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HEAIH01 Global Health Theme Seminar 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences

Learning outcomes

By the completion of the module, students have competence to:
• Explain how the themes discussed in the seminar series are topical now, what are the main problems or challenges in them and what are the visions and actions needed. Debate on the themes.
• Search information on one topic chosen from the list of topical global health themes (not included in the other courses) and to analyse and synthetize information critically
• Prepare four types of presentations on the topic chosen: oral presentation with learning aids, essay, blog writing based on the essay, and a short documentary film/video made in a team.
• Make choice between communication options depending on a purpose, message type and intended target group

General description

  • Several topical themes on the wide spectrum of global health
  • Critical analysis and synthetization of information
  • Options for communication of massages and information


Anneli Milen, Teacher responsible
Mikko Perkiö, Teacher


12-Jan-2016 – 28-Apr-2016
Seminar 22 hours
Independent work 100 hours
Group work 7 hours + 6 hours Web-based

Evaluation criteria

  • The other students and the teachers will give immediate feedback on an oral presentation.
  • At the end of the course a self-evaluation will be made on achieving the objectives of the course
  • The teacher responsible for the course will give a course mark on a scale 1-5 on the basis of the oral presentation, the written essay and the blog writing (each given a weight of 1/3).
  • Active participation in discussions and the commentaries may result in one level upgrading of the course mark.  


Study materials

Oral Presentation, essays, blog posts, videos made by the students. Lectures by teachers. 

Further information

•   Attendance at the seminars (min 90 %)

•   Active participation in the seminar discussions

•   Making an oral presentation on a selected global health topic

•   Submission of an acceptable essay on the same global health topic

•   Submission of an acceptable blog posting the same global health topic

•   Making commentary remarks on two essays written by other students

•   Participation in the production of a short documentary film on a global health topic