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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TERKAN13 Epidemiologic Research Methods 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Terveystieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Health Sciences

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will
- be familiar with the principles of selecting an appropriate study design to assess occurrence and etiology of public health problems
- be cognizant of the concepts underlying use of cohort, case-control and clinical trial designs
- understand the strengths and limitations of major epidemiologic study designs
- be able to identify sources of bias in epidemiologic studies and be familiar with methods to minimize such biases.
- be able to critically review existing epidemiologic literature and interpret the results of a particular study after considering potential sources of errors, including bias and confounding.
- be able to consider the limitations of a particular study in the context of other research in the field
- be able to write a structured research plan

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Professor Anssi Auvinen, Teacher responsible
Tarja Kinnunen, Teacher
Susanna Lehtinen-Jacks, Teacher


14-Jan-2014 – 28-Feb-2014
Tue 14-Jan-2014 at 12.15-13.45, T-building, Auditorium, (the same time and same place every time unless otherwise specified)
Fri 17-Jan-2014 at 14.15-15.45, T-building Auditorium, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 24-Jan-2014
Mon 3-Feb-2014
Tue 4-Feb-2014
Thu 6-Feb-2014
Tue 11-Feb-2014
Thu 13-Feb-2014
Fri 14-Feb-2014 at 14.15-15.45, T-building, Ylähylly, Note!
Tue 18-Feb-2014
Fri 21-Feb-2014 at 14.15-15.45, T-building Auditorium, Note! Exceptional time!
Independent work
Group 1, practicals (English)
Thu 23-Jan-2014 at 10.15-11.45, T-building, Group room 1, same place every time.
Fri 24-Jan-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Fri 7-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Mon 10-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Fri 14-Feb-2014 at 8.30-10.00, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 21-Feb-2014 at 8.30-10.00, Note! Exceptional time!
Tue 25-Feb-2014 at 14.15-15.45, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 28-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Group 2, practicals (Finnish)
Thu 23-Jan-2014 at 10.15-11.45, Group room 2 , T-building, same place every time.
Fri 24-Jan-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Fri 7-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Mon 10-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Fri 14-Feb-2014 at 8.30-10.00, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 21-Feb-2014 at 8.30-10.00, Note! Exceptional time!
Tue 25-Feb-2014 at 14.15-15.45, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 28-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45
Group 3, practicals (Finnish)
Thu 23-Jan-2014 at 12.15-13.45, Group room 2 , T-building, same place every time.
Fri 24-Jan-2014 at 14.15-15.45, Note! Exceptional time!
Fri 7-Feb-2014 at 12.15-13.45
Mon 10-Feb-2014 at 12.15-13.45
Thu 13-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45, Note! Exceptional time!
Thu 20-Feb-2014 at 10.15-11.45, Note! Exceptional time!
Tue 25-Feb-2014 at 12.15-13.45
Fri 28-Feb-2014 at 12.15-13.45

Study materials

Hulley SB et al. Designing Clinical Research. 4th ed. 2013 (online access)

Rothman KJ et al. Modern Epidemiology, 3rd edition. 2008

Szklo M and Nieto FJ. Epidemiology: Beyond the Basics. 2nd ed. 2007 (online access)

Gordis L. Epidemiology (4th edition). Elsevier Saunders 2009. (online access)

Santos Silva, I. dos. Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods. IARC 1999 (online access).

Hennekens CH & Buring JE. Epidemiology in Medicine. Little-Brown 1987.

Further information

You can enroll to the course by enrolling to one of the groups (practicals). Please select the group that is most suitable for you. The groups selections will be confirmed when the course starts. You don´t need to enroll to the lectures separately.

Ilmoittaudu kurssille valitsemalle sinulle parhaiten sopiva harjoitusryhmä. Ryhmäjako vahvistetaan kurssin alkaessa. Luennoille ei erillistä ilmoittautumista.