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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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FILT10 Seminar in Theoretical Social Research: Bourdieu 3–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Filosofian tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

A seminar for PhD-students and advanced students from any discipline, interested in social theory broadly conceived. During spring 2016 we will be reading Pierre Bourdieu’s Pascalian Meditations. The text will be available via Moodle for registered participants.

Meetings: every second or third Wednesday 4pm-6pm, 20.1; 3.2; 17.2; 9.3; 23.3; 6.4; 13.4;TBC.


For every time, read the chapter and write a one page summary of the chapter – and after the sixth meeting send the six page summary to us.

Everyone participates in giving a presentation (see the list – coordinate with your pair on how you do it). The presentation is a short one, 5 min, raising just one or two points or questions or so (assume that everyone has read the chapter).

5 ECTS: see the separate instructions

Introduction. 20.1.

1. Critique of Scholastic Reason. 9-48  3.2.2016 (Risto absent)

Yrjö Kallinen

Suvi Törrönen

2. The Three Forms of Scholastic Fallacy. 49-92 17.2. 2016 (Arto absent)

Antti Halkonen

Lauri Lahikainen

3. The Historicity of Reason. 93-127  9.3.2016

Jaakko Reinikainen

Ville Vahosalmi

Joonas Kumpulainen

4. Bodily Knowledge. 128-163 23.3.2016

Olli Tiikkainen

5. Symbolic Violence and Political Struggles. 164-205 6.4. 2016

Karim Maiche

Petro Leinonen

Iiro Aro

6. Social Being, Time and the Sense of Existence. 206-245 13.4.2016

Marc Calafell Plaza

Dong Seob Lee

Niklas Hansen

7. Book Review discussion TBC

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Arto Laitinen, Teacher responsible


20-Jan-2016 – 25-May-2016
Seminar 20 hours
Wed 20-Jan-2016 at 16-18, Atalpa 143, Meeting dates: 3.2; 17.2; 9.3; 23.3; 6.4; 13.4; TBC


Numeric 1-5.