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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
TAYJ029 Introduction to Bibliometrics 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes
After the course, the student:
•    has developed an understanding of the nature of bibliometric research
•    is familiar with the most commonly utilised sources of bibliometric data and ways of applying this data in (daily) research conduct
•    is able to collect bibliometric data and to apply this data in various research settings
•    is able to utilise bibliometric tools for the benefit of his/her thesis writing and future career building
•    understands the limitations of bibliometric data and methods

General description
First, bibliometrics is a methodological approach in which the scientific literature itself becomes the subject of analysis. Bibliometrics offers a powerful set of tools that help scholars to, for example:

  • delineate samples for literature reviews
  • understand scientific citations
  • investigate the research impact of authors, journals and institutes
  • identify the most influential works of a given topic
  • map the cognitive and organisational characteristics of research fields
  • describe scientific networks within the knowledge base of distinct disciplines
  • produce indicators for use in policy and management contexts
  • understand the basics of (statistical) meta-analysis

As such, bibliometrics can be considered as the science of science.
Second, making an impact in the scientific community is a must for young researchers aiming for building a career at the university. Bibliometrics provides researchers a means of promoting and monitoring their own research impact.
This course focuses on the general features of bibliometrics 1) as a pivotal tool for conducting research and 2) as an integral part of building a research career.

Teaching schedule: 5.3. and 6.3.2018 at 10–16 o'clock

Teacher: Dr. Teemu Makkonen

Place: Computer Classroom Ml 50 (Linna building)

Completion: Those accepted to the course are required to send in a pre-assignment through Moodle. During the lectures and exercises, active participation is required. After the course, every student will write a short essay on how to apply bibliometrics in connection to their own scientific field and research topic.

Evaluation: Pass/Fail.

Enrolment: In NettiOpsu. Number of participants 20 at the maximum. Selection method is draw. Students should check the selection result from NettiOpsu after the enrolment period.

Course pre-assignment:
Before the course, course participants are expected to write a short summary-description (max 2–3 pages) of their own doctoral research by introducing:
1)    the topic of their research,
2)    the discipline and specific research field they are engaged in
3)    the “keywords” of their thesis, significant works (books, book chapters, articles) they are referring to in their research
4)    (if applicable) a list of their own published work.
Detailed instructions will be made available to enrolled students through Moodle.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Teemu Makkonen, Teacher responsible
Pirjo Nikander, Other person


5-Mar-2018 – 6-Mar-2018

