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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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TAYJ034 Career Course for Doctoral Researchers 1 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Yliopiston yhteiset tohtoriopinnot
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes

Students will understand the current job market prospects for PhD researchers in Finland and will be able to express more in details their strengths, skills and values in the job application process, and have examples they can use in job applications.

They will know strategies to find possible job openings and contact employers and have a job hunting plan with concrete actions to take.  They will understand the concept of transferable skills, have an overview of their own skills and network and know how to talk about their skills to non-academic employers. They will have prepared a CV that can be used outside of Academia and understand how to write a good motivation letter. They will understand how a job interview is conducted in Finland and understand how to prepare for the job interview. They will have practiced their interview skills.

General description

The aim of this course is to help Doctoral researchers develop a career perspective and to develop the necessary knowledge and skills needed for job hunting. The focus is on developing a broader perspective that extends also to outside of Academia (though not exclusively). The course fits for all Doctoral Researchers in all disciplines and does not require prior knowledge. It can be done in all stages of the PhD work and researchers are recommended not to wait until the last stage.

Working mode

The course uses blended learning. There are two afternoons of contact learning, one individual session and individual learning through a Moodle learning environment.

Contact teaching

-Wed 23.01.2019  from 12:15-16:00 (Room Linna K108)

-a 20 minute feedback session about students CV during week 6 or 7.

-Thu 14.02.2019 from 12:15-16:00,  (in Päätalo, Y-kampus, Room Y40), please note changed date!


Scale: pass-fail.

Assessment criteria: active participation in both group meetings, approved completion of CV assignment and Job hunting plan, completion of the online tasks.

Course material

Material prepared and assigned by the teacher. The moodle environment will be used to distribute all material.


Enrolment in nettiopsu.  This course is for all Doctoral researchers of the new Tampere University. There is a maximum of 20 participants. Selection method is draw.


Mariska Roelofs, Career coach, TOHTOS project


Teaching: 14.01.2019 – 15.02.2019

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Mariska Roelofs, Teacher responsible


14-Jan-2019 – 15-Feb-2019

