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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
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PEACE025 Peace Psychology : Human Rights and Conflict Resolution 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

• To know and understand concepts, models and theories of peace psychology.
• To familiarize with multidisciplinary research on political violence and peace mediation.
• To gain basic knowledge of legal and medical issues of mental health and human rights.
• To learn about human consequences of war and military atrocities: human development, world view, coping strategies and resilience.

General description


Introduction to main concepts

  • Conflict and its solution in human life  
  • Security: individual, group and cultural dimensions  
  • Theories of human mind
  • Tutorial for students’ work (presetations in February)

Psychological knowledge in war-fare  

  • War propaganda
  • Nature, aims and consequnces of torture  
  • Research on soldiers’ psyche  

Reconsiliation, thruth and justice  (Learning diary)

  • Forgiveness: theories, models and empirical research                             
  • Models of change: competences, values, emotions and attitudes
  • Examples of reconsiliation process  

Human development: indications for peace education  (Learning diary)

  • Child development for empathy, aggression and socialization 
  • Cultural differences in parenting and socialization

Conflict resolution: psychological and group processes

  • Cooperation and competitive orientations 
  • Cycles of violence and
    •  Practicing group process skills

Psychological consequences of war: implication for peace building

  • Mental health and resilience
  • Posttraumatic symptoms and posttraumatic growth
    • Students’ presentations (topics and material agreed in January)

Students’ presentations

  • Topics and material agreed in January


Enrolment for University Studies

Priority is given for the degree students in Master's programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research (in order of enrolment).
If places are available, students outside the programme are selected in the following order:
- UTA degree students from other programmes
- UTA exchange students
- Master level students who have a very good academic English and good background knowledge in the field of study.

Enrolment time has expired


Raija-Leena Punamäki, Teacher responsible


9-Jan-2015 – 27-Feb-2015
Lectures 24 hours
Fri 9-Jan-2015 - 27-Feb-2015 weekly at 9-12, Linna 6017, Please note: Lecture 23.1. in Linna 5014

Evaluation criteria

Learning approach  5 ECTS

(1) Interactive lectures (min 80% participation), 12 hours

(2) Tutorials 3 hours

(3) Individual and group working and presentations, 9 hours  

(4) Learning diaries on three lectures

(5) Book and article examination

Study materials

The teaching material will be available in Moodle