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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
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POLKVA21/RES3 Problems of Wider European Integration 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelma
School of Management

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will be able 1) to understand how the western and eastern parts of the wider European area are interrelated in terms of political economy, diplomacy and security, and ideas of Europe and wider Europe; 2) to comprehend the main institutional arrangements linking the western and eastern parts of wider Europe together, alongside those patterns separating them; 3) have developed an ability to independently analyse particular problems of wider European integration. *Content Problem-solving and theoretical approaches to international integration; political economy of Europe and wider Europe; diplomacy and security in wider Europe; ideas of Europe and wider Europe; European Union institutions; EU-Russia relations, EU neighbourhood policy and integration in the former Soviet area.

General description

Lectures are open for all, but students need to register in NettiOpsu. The seminar group has places for 12 students, preference is given to RES programme students. Those interested in joining the seminar (8h) are asked to discuss this with the Jean Monnet professor Hanna Ojanen during the course.

Credits: lectures + learning diary 3 ECTS; seminar 2 ECTS

Course programme

10.9. Introduction (Hanna Ojanen)

  • Europe and wider Europe; borders of Europe; European integration as a definer of Europe

12.9. EU enlargement, history (Hanna Ojanen)

  • theoretical approaches to and explanations of enlargement

17.9. Widening and deepening, or differentiation? (Hanna Ojanen)

  • the functions of widening on basic treaties, institutions, policies

19.9. Economic integration in the West and in the East during the Cold War (Dr.Soc.Sc. Suvi  Kansikas, researcher, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki)

24.9. EU and its neighbourhood (Hanna Ojanen)

  • ENP, EaP;  neighbourhood and security policy: ESS and beyond

26.9. The EU’s energy policy in the wider Europe and Turkey as a case study (Dicle Korkmaz) (including introduction to the seminar sessions)

1.10. EU-Turkey (Hanna Ojanen)

3.10. EU-Russia (Hiski Haukkala)

8.10. The shared neighbourhood of EU and Russia (Hiski Haukkala)

10.10. Russia’s integration into global economy (Anni Kangas)

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Jean Monnet Professor Hanna Ojanen+ visiting lecturers/tutors, Teacher responsible


10-Sep-2013 – 21-Nov-2013
Lectures 16 hours
Tue 10-Sep-2013 - 8-Oct-2013 weekly at 10-12, Main building D11
Thu 12-Sep-2013 - 10-Oct-2013 weekly at 12-14, Main building C8
Seminar 8 hours
Thu 7-Nov-2013 at 10-14, Linna K109
Fri 8-Nov-2013 at 10-14, Linna K109


Numeric 1-5.