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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2009–2010
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STYÖP5 Social Work in Different Social Contexts 3–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Department of Social Work Research

General description

P5 Social Work in Different Social Contexts, 2nd independent module (N.B.! The course was earlier informed to last till 3rd independent module, but now the course is condenced to be kept entirely within the 2nd module only.)

The course covers 5 ECTS .

Aim: To provide students with basic understanding about different perspectives to social work activity in different social contexts, as well as regarding the relationship between local and global in social work.

Form of Educ. Lecture seminars at 12-14/15 pm (26.10.- 27.10. , 2.11.-4.11., 9.11. , 17.-18.11., 24.-25.11., 30.11.-2.12., and 7.-8.12.), some readings and assignments given by the teachers, participation in a web-based international learning collaboration.

Target group: Undergraduate students

Language: English

Study materials: Articles delivered in the first session and materials designed by the teachers.

Mode of studying: Active participation in at least 75% of lecture seminars, participation in a web-based international learning collaboration, including a pair-work based power point presentation of a social justice issue and discussing in small learning communities.

Completion:  See above.

Course coordin. Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö

Feedback: Written feedback from students in English or in Finnish.


Introductory lectures 26.-27.10. at 12-14 pm by Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö

Client Perspectives in Mental Health Social Work 2.-4.11. at 12-14 pm by visiting professor Ann Davis, University of Birmingham, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH), U.K.

Visiting scholar Carmen Perez, University of Alicante, Spain  17.-18.11. at 12-14 pm, tentative lecture titles (to be confirmed): 1. Social work in Spain 2. Needs of people in long-term care - comparisons between Finland, Austria and Spain. 

Visiting scholar P.K.Shajahan, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India 24.-25.11. & 30.11.-2, lecturing on 1. Disasters and Development 2. Disaster Vulnerability and Risk 3. Vulnerability and Risk Reduction in Disaster contexts.

Visiting scholar Mohua Nigudkar, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, 1.-2-12., tentative lecture contents: 1.Social Work with vulnerable children in India- An overview; Juvenile Justice system in India (State intervention with children
without family or family support and children who commitoffences/crimes); Child Rights and challenges in implementation (especially within the Indian context) 2. Introduction to participatory training

Seminar related to the web-based learning collaboration: Mon 9.11.LINNA RH K 106, AND Mon-Tue 7.-8.12. at 12-14 pm

The 7th International Study Week

Theme: Social Services in comparison

Time: 22.-26.2.2010

Place: Pyynikintie 2, 3 rd. floor, auditorium-different class rooms during the week will be informed later.

Reading assignments:

1. Cox, David & Pawar, Manohar (2006). The integrated Perspectives Approach to International Social Work. In David Cox and Manohar Pawar, International Social Work. Issues, Strategies, and Programs. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage, 23-47.

2. Cree, Viviene and Davis, Ann (2007) Mental Health Social Work. In Social Work: Voices from the Inside. London: Routledge, 1-22.

3. Other readings informed later.


Enrolment for University Studies


Course coordin. Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö, Teacher responsible

Homepage URL


26-Oct-2009 – 18-Dec-2009
Introductory lectures
Mon 26-Oct-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K106
Tue 27-Oct-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K112
Mon 2-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, Ann Davis
Tue 3-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14, LINNA RH K 106, Ann Davis
Wed 4-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14, LINNA RH K 106, Ann Davis
Mon 9-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106
Tue 17-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14, LINNA RH K 106, Carmen Perez
Wed 18-Nov-2009 at 12.15-15, LINNA RH K 106, Carmen Perez
Tue 24-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, P.K.Shajahan
Wed 25-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, P.K.Shajahan
Mon 30-Nov-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, P.K.Shajahan
Tue 1-Dec-2009 at 12.15-15.00, LINNA LS K113, Mohua Nigudkar
Wed 2-Dec-2009 at 12.15-15.00, LINNA LS K108, Mohua Nigudkar
Mon 7-Dec-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, Seminar on social justice cases/ Ranta-Tyrkkö
Tue 8-Dec-2009 at 12.15-14.00, LINNA RH K 106, Seminar on social justice cases/ Ranta-Tyrkkö
Independent work