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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2009–2010
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NAM-8B /HISOA2 Lecture series; Global Transformations: Current Issues in North American, European and International Politics 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Department of History and Philosophy

General description

This is guest lecture series designed to give students an overview of important issues in today's world, presented by experts. Particular themes addressed in the course include foreign policy, the environment, the economy, the welfare state, China, the US and the European Union. Students are expected to attend the course, participate in discussions and to write a lecture diary on each of the lectures (max 10 pages)


Several lecturers, Teacher responsible
Katri Sieberg, Teacher responsible
Jussi Hanhimäki, Teacher responsible


24-Sep-2009 – 10-Dec-2009
Lectures 12 hours
Global Transformations guest lecture series
Thu 24-Sep-2009 at 16.00-18.00, Pinni B 3116, Raimo Väyrynen, Current Economic Crises and Transatlantic Relations
29-Oct-2009 at 16.00 –18.00 , Auditorium Paavo Koli (Pinni A), Jonathan Krasno, Political Parties and the Shrinking Field of Play in U.S. House Elections
5-Nov-2009 at 16.00 –18.00 , Auditorium Paavo Koli (Pinni A), Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Obama's War: Choices in Afghanistan
12-Nov-2009 at 16.00 –18.00 , Auditorium Paavo Koli (Pinni A), Matti Nojonen, Sino-US Strategic Dependency and Competition
19-Nov-2009 at 16.00 –18.00 , Pinni B 3116, Sixten Korkman, The Welfare State and the Global Crisis
Independent work 4 hours