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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2018–2019
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KASVAL Introduction to Social Circus Pedagogy - (Tampere Summer School 2018) 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Kasvatustieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma
Muut opinnot
Faculty of Education

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the students are expected to

- Know the historical background, theoretical principles and practical applications of social circus pedagogy
- Know the main competences expected from social circus trainers and the multiple working areas of social circus
- Plan, provide and assess pedagogically a tentative learning session of social circus
- Find more research based information on this issue and know where and how Social Circus Pedagogy can be learned more about

General description

Social circus is a measure of intervention based on the combination of circus arts and social-pedagogy. It targets various at-risk groups in order to support the empowerment and emancipation of individuals and assist with participants’ personal and social development by nurturing their self-esteem and trust in others, as well as by helping them to acquire social skills, express their creativity and realize their potential in order to become active citizens. In this approach, the primary goal is not to learn the circus arts, but rather to create social change helping marginalized individuals assume their place in a society. Various studies indicate that the socio-pedagogical and welfare impacts of Social Circus are undeniable.

Working methods: To achieve the learning outcomes the students will:

  • acquaint themselves with  theoretical and historical background  of the social circus concept, workfield and demanded competencies of social circus trainers
  • deepen their understanding in pedagogical approach in social circus training
  • analyse social circus practices presented during the course
  • plan and execute a small performance of social circus and justify the choices pedagogically 



Tiina Kujala, Teacher responsible
Simon Llwellyn (Sorin Sirkus), Teacher
Kamilla Nisso (Sorin Sirkus), Teacher
Tea Seppälä, Contact person


Tutorials 20 hours
Independent work 34 hours



Evaluation criteria

Continuous assessment, completion of tasks (specific criteria given with tasks), attendance and active participation, other criteria will be given by the teacher.

Study materials

Course material will be provided by teachers.

Further information

Min-max number of students: 10-22

Please note! Most course sessions are organised at the premises of Sori Circus (Ahlmanintie 63). The site can be reached from the University of Tampere campus by bus (tickets to be paid by the student) or walking (25-30 minutes). First course sessions will be organised at University of Tampere, and more information on how to reach Sori Circus will be given during these first sessions.

In questions concerning course content, please contact Tea Seppälä: tea.s.seppala(a)uta.fi

In questions concerning Tampere Summer School, please contact Jenni Viitala: jenni.viitala(a)uta.fi