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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2013–2014
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
KKENYHT Introduction to Academic English (avoin yliopisto-opetus), Ryhmä 2, Tampere, kevät 2014 4 ECTS
Implementation is also a part of open university teaching
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Language and communication studies
Englannin kieli
Language Centre

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will
• know the basics of academic reading and writing
• understand and critically evaluate sources, and express their own argumentation clearly and logically in appropriate academic/professional style
• be able to communicate clearly and logically about their own field following appropriate academic/professional conventions
• work cooperatively and effectively in groups, negotiating and contributing to the completion of tasks
• have an understanding of English as a lingua franca and the influence of context and culture on communication
• have the necessary skills to evaluate and continue developing their English language and communication skills independently

The course will cover basic aspects of academic reading and writing, such as the structure and language of a research article, using stylesheets, summarizing, understanding plagiarism, evaluating sources, and argumentation will be dealt with. In addition, the course will include speaking exercises such as discussion skills for group work, pronunciation, a presentation.

General description

Katso opetusajat ja -paikat linkistä.

Huom! Opiskelupaikan menettää, mikäli opiskelija on poissa ensimmäiseltä opetuskerralta ennakolta ilmoittamatta. 

General description:
The course aims to provide the student with core communication skills in English for academic purposes. These include understanding the conventions of English academic communication and applying critical thinking to reading, writing and speaking about research in English.

Pienryhmäopetus 52 t; itsenäinen työskentely 56 t
Ei opetusta viikoilla 16-17.

The course corresponds to the Introduction to the Academic English course (4 ECTS) in all Bachelor's degrees of the University of Tampere.

Enrolment for University Studies

Tampereen yliopiston läsnäolevat tutkinto-opiskelijat: ilmoittautuminen tutkinto-opiskelijoiden kurssi-ilmoittautumisen kautta NettiOpsussa (ei siis avoimen yliopiston hakulomakkeella). Kurssille otetaan 6 opiskelijaa. Valintakriteeri: etusijajärjestys. Läsnäoleville tutkinto-opiskelijoille kurssi on maksuton. Valinnat kurssille tehdään ke 22.1.2014.

Enrolment time has expired


Raija Keni, Teacher responsible


5-Mar-2014 – 21-May-2014
Tutorials 52 hours
Wed 5-Mar-2014 - 21-May-2014 weekly at 16.30-20.30, Päätalo, ls A05, ei opetusta viikoilla 16 ja 17
2-Apr-0001 at 16.30 –20.30 , Päätalo, ls E301
, viikolla 18 luennot poikkeuksellisesti tiistaina 29.4. klo 16.30-20.30
Independent work 56 hours


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

Continuous assessment, satisfactory completion of tasks (specific criteria given with task), attendance and active participation, other criteria will be given by the teacher.

Study materials

Will be distributed by the teacher.

Further information

Tampereen yliopiston läsnäolevat tutkinto-opiskelijat: ilmoittautuminen tutkinto-opiskelijoiden kurssi-ilmoittautumisen kautta NettiOpsussa (ei siis avoimen yliopiston hakulomakkeella). Kurssille otetaan 6 opiskelijaa. Valintakriteeri: etusijajärjestys. Läsnäoleville tutkinto-opiskelijoille kurssi on maksuton.