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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
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POMLFCS3 Refugee Migration and its Governance: Histories, Actors, Economies 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Politiikan tutkimuksen maisteriopinnot
Kansainvälinen politiikka
Faculty of Management

Learning outcomes

After completing the module students
- understand refugee migration and its governance as a contemporary historical phenomenon since WWII, with particular attention to the 'global south' after decolonization
- have a basic knowledge of refugee and migration studies as an interdisciplinary field of study in social sciences, and are familiar with the main theories and methodological approaches in the field.
- understand the role of state and non-state actors in the governance of forced migration, from the UN system and the NGO sector to the emerging role of the private sector in both border management and humanitarian assistance
- understand some of the most relevant emerging trends in refugee governance, including humanitarian innovation, and recent policy analyses and interventions aimed at promoting "refugee economies"
- are able to apply the theoretical and methodological tools acquired to critically analyse current issues in migration and refugee governance and politics, in Europe and beyond.

General description

The module includes lectures, seminars and independent reading, complemented by independent research/essay writing or practical workshops.

The module is divided in three parts.

The first consists of 4 lectures providing a historical overview of the emergence of refugees and forced migration as a contemporary “governance issue”, as well as a theoretical and methodological introduction to refugee studies as an interdisciplinary area in social sciences.

The second part of the course consists of 4 seminars, in which, after a short introduction by the teacher, students engage in group discussions, short presentations and other activities on the following topics: 1. Humanitarian innovation: what is left of refugee aid? 2. The promotion of refugee self-reliance and entrepreneurship: critical approaches to the refugee camp as an ‘economic space’. 3. The role of the private sector in refugee aid: examples from Jordan, Sweden, and Finland.  4. The role of political activism and volunteering in spaces of hospitality and refuge.

In the third, applied part of the module, students can choose between activities:

1. Writing an essay on a topic of their choice.

2. Taking part in an art/research workshop on migration organized in Tampere, 2-5 May 2018.

Lectures, seminars and workshops require a limited amount of independent reading to be completed before the sessions. Material for the seminar activities includes not only academic texts, but also policy reports, press, videos and art work.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Elisa Pascucci, Teacher responsible


6-Mar-2018 – 24-Apr-2018
Tue 6-Mar-2018 - 24-Apr-2018 weekly at 13-16, Main Building room A2B
3-Apr-2018 at 13 –16 , No lecture (Easter holiday)
Fri 6-Apr-2018 at 16-18, Main Building, room A2B


Numeric 1-5.

Further information


6.3.-25.4.2018, Tuesdays 13-16

Art/research workshop 3-4 May 2018.