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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
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DPIPEF04 Cancer Epidemiology 4 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology
School of Health Sciences

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will have an understanding of the basics of cancer epidemiology and screening.

General description

The cancer epidemiology course consists of several themes like: biology of cancer, coding and registration, prevention, diagnostics and treatment of cancer, trends, prediction and survival of cancer, radiation and cancer, medication and cancer, work and cancer, screening of cancer, and registry based studies on cancer.

The course is based on lectures and discussion with different lectures from the Finnish Cancer Registry and School of Health Sciences.

The aim of the course is to be able to have basic knowledge of cancer as a disease, how it is registered and coded, what kind of preventive and early diagnostics are in use, and how to use register data in research and in policy making.

29.3.2016 Nea Malila, biology, registration, prevention
31.3.2016 Nea Malila, diagnostics, treatment screening
1.4.2016 Anssi Auvinen, prostate cancer screening
6.4.2016 Nea Malila, cancer incidence presentation
7.4.2016 Sirpa Heinävaara, Predicting cancer burden
7.4.2016 Karri Seppä, Survival trends
8.4.2016 Tytti Sarkeala, breast cancer screening
8.4.2016 Ahti Anttila, cervix cancer screening
20.4.2016 Anssi Auvinen, ionising radiation
21.4.2016 Eero Pukkala, registry based studies, work and cancer
22.4.2016 Anssi Auvinen, non-ionising radiation
22.4.2016 Miia Artama, medication and cancer

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Anssi Auvinen, Teacher responsible
Nea Malila, Teacher responsible


29-Mar-2016 – 22-Apr-2016
Tue 29-Mar-2016 at 10-14, Ylähylly, T -building
Thu 31-Mar-2016 at 10-14, Ylähylly, T -building
Fri 1-Apr-2016 at 10-12, Ylähylly, T -building
Wed 6-Apr-2016 at 10-14, Group room 2, T -building
Thu 7-Apr-2016 at 10-14, Ylähylly, T -building
Fri 8-Apr-2016 at 10-14, Ylähylly, T -building
Wed 20-Apr-2016 at 10-12, Ylähylly, T -building
Thu 21-Apr-2016 at 12-16, Group room 2, T -building
Fri 22-Apr-2016 at 10-15, Ylähylly, T -building
Group work