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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
MDP: Europeanization of Politics and Governance


I Periodi (1.9.2008 – 17.10.2008)
II Periodi (27.10.2008 – 12.12.2008)
III Periodi (7.1.2009 – 6.3.2009)
Periodi (1.9.2008 - 17.10.2008)
All Majors [I Periodi]


Thu 4.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on European integration

Mon 8.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on enlargement: the case of eastern and central Europe

Thu 11.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political science approaches on European integration

Mon 15.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political Science approaches on enlargement: political systems, parties and parliaments

Thu 18.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on European integration

Mon 22.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on enlargement: the case of northern Europe

Thu 25.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Mon 29.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Thu 2.10.
Professor Jouni Häkli, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional Studies approaches to European integration: exploring borders and boundaries

Mon 6.10.
Professor Ilari Karppi, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional studies approaches to enlargement: the case of regional Europe in the making

Thu 9.10.
Dr Benedikt Schoenborn, Department of History and Philosophy
Historical approaches to enlargement: the case of German re-unification

Mon 13.10.
Ms Anna Olkinuora, The School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
Linguistic approaches to enlargement: the case of Turkey as seen in France and in Finland

Thu 16.10.

Re-take exam on Mon 10.11. at 9-12 in Linna 6017


Credits: 3 - 5 ECTS

Students of the Master's programme on European Studies: Europeanization of Politics and Governance: lectures + exam based on lecture materials + essay based on lecture materials and additional literature + essay seminar 5 ECTS

Other students: lectures and an exam based on the lecture materials 3 ECTS


kansainvälinen politiikka/International Relations: KVPOA4 Wiener-Diez

Aluetiede/regional Studies:AA10 Aluetieteen valinnaiset opinnot

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: KVPIB8A1 European Integration: Wiener-Diez's book OR VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalisation Hooghe-Marks and Scharpf.

other compensations to be confirmed

Pami Aalto and visiting lecturers, Teacher
Lectures 36 hours
4.9.-16.10. Mon 14.30-17 and Thu 14.30-17 in Linna K103
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English


all books from VALTP4 or VALTA7 or

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 5 ECTS from VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalization.

Tapio Raunio, Teacher
Lectures 24 hours
Tue 9-Sep-2008 - 14-Oct-2008 weekly at 8-10, Linna room K103
Thu 11-Sep-2008 - 16-Oct-2008 weekly at 8-10, Linna room K103
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Anu Toots, Tallinn University, Teacher
2-Sep-2008 – 28-Nov-2008
Lectures 32 hours
2.9.-28.10. on Tuesdays at 15-17 in linna 6017, and 4.11.-9.12. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15-17 in Linna 6017, except for 8.11., 2.12. and 9.12. in Linna 6018.
Seminar in Tampere
20.-21.11, time and place to be confirmed
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Raivo Vetik, Tallinn University, Teacher
3-Sep-2008 – 10-Dec-2008
Seminar in Tampere
8.-9.12., time and place to be confirmed. Essay deadline 12.12.
Wed 3-Sep-2008 - 10-Dec-2008 weekly at 15.30-17.00, 6017, except for 29.10., 12.11. and 19.11. there is no class. Exam on 12.12. at 10-12 in Linna 6018.
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Seminaarin ja jaettavan materiaalin pohjalta kirjoitetaan 6-8 s. essee (1 op) tai 10-12 s. essee (2 op). Essee palautetaan Jean Monnet -professori Pami Aallolle 24.10.2008 mennessä os. pami.aalto@uta.fi.

Korvaavuus: 1-2 op Eurooppatutkimuksen teemaseminaarista tai 2 op Aallon tai Prozorovin tai Scottin kirja.

Sisältö: EU-toimijoiden rooli arktisesa politiikassa sekä globaalissa ilmastonmuutoksen politiikassa suhteessa muihin relevantteihin toimijoihin kuten USA sekä Venäjä/Aasian vallat.

Tavoitteet: oppia perusteet EU:n ja muiden toimijoiden suhteesta arktisiin alueisiin sekä ilmastonmuutokseen.

Description in English:

Students write an essay of 6-8 p. (1 ECTS) or 10-12 p. (2 ECTS) based on the seminar and distributed material. The essay will be returned to Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto (pami.aalto@uta.fi) by 24.10.2008.

Compensations in ISSS programmes:

Bachelor of Social Sciences: one book (2 ECTS) from KVPIB7A1 World Politics or

MDP Europeanization of Politics and Governance: KVPIES16 Specialization Course in European Studies

Contents: special course aiming to give the student knowledge of Europe's role in the politics of the Arctic and the climate change, in particular vi-avis responses from the EU area actors, Russia, US and other relevant actors.

Objectives: to learn basics of EU and other responses to the global climate change and Arctic politics

Enrolment for University Studies

Preregistration by 26.9.2008 to isss@uta.fi.

Sanjay Chaturvedi, Teacher
29-Sep-2008 – 29-Sep-2008
Seminar 4 hours
Mon 29-Sep-2008 at 12-16, Linna room 6017
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (27.10.2008 - 12.12.2008)
All Majors [II Periodi]

Please note that there are two seminars, one in Finnish and another in English. The seminar in English is only for students in the European Studies Master's programme/ISSS.

Pami Aalto, Teacher
Lectures 10 hours
Thu 30-Oct-2008 - 27-Nov-2008 weekly at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Seminar 10 hours
Seminaari suomeksi
Wed 14-Jan-2009 - 11-Feb-2009 weekly at 10-12, Linna room 5101
Seminar in English
Wed 14-Jan-2009 - 11-Feb-2009 weekly at 12-14, Linna 6018, The seminar is only for students in European studies programme
Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Enrolment for University Studies

Register to the course by 29.10. by sending a message to isss@uta.fi

Georg Sootla, Tallinn University, Teacher
3-Nov-2008 – 15-Dec-2008
Seminar in Tampere
7.-8.1.2009, time and place to be confirmed
Mon 3-Nov-2008 - 8-Dec-2008 weekly at 15-18, Linna 6017
Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English

3.-4.12. in Tallinn.

Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: To provide the student with a general understanding of empirical research methods and resarch process in social sciences. The student learns the basics of doing empirical research and learns to understand the significance of research questions and research frame as well as aspects related to choosing certain data and techniques of analysis. The student learns how one can approach the same phenomenon with various research methods and how those methods and approaches produce different kind of information. The module provides the student with basic abilties to understand empirical research conducted with various methods, to evaluate the methodological choices and research results.

Modes of Study: In English: book exam on
Gilbert (ed.), Researching Social Life. Sage, Second edition,  2001. (reprinted 2003).

The book exam is available in the Electronic Exam Service: https://tenttis.uta.fi/login/index.php?lang=en_utf8 (see under ISSS/ Sociology). The exam is open until 16.11.2009.

Lectures 21 hours
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (7.1.2009 - 6.3.2009)
All Majors [III Periodi]

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Only for the students of the Master's programme in European Studies: Europeanization of Politics and Governance

Essay deadline 31.5.2009

Jyrki Käkönen, Teacher
Lectures 24 hours
Wed 4-Feb-2009 at 10-13, No video contact to Tallinn, this week's lecture will be available as a recording through internet.
Thu 5-Feb-2009 at 10-13, No video contact to Tallinn, this week's lecture will be available as a recording through internet.
Wed 4-Mar-2009 at 10-13, 6017
Thu 5-Mar-2009 at 10-13, 6018
Wed 1-Apr-2009 at 10-13, 6018
Thu 2-Apr-2009 at 10-13, 6018
Wed 6-May-2009 at 10-13, 6017
Thu 7-May-2009 at 10-13, 6017
Mon 11-May-2009 at 10.00-13.00, Linna 6018
Seminar 3 hours
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Pre-registration by 31 January by e-mail to isss@uta.fi.

Leif Kalev, Tallinn University, Teacher
11-Feb-2009 – 18-Mar-2009
Wed 18-Feb-2009 - 18-Mar-2009 weekly at 14.00-17.00, Linna Room 6017
11-Feb-2009 at 15 –16 , Linna Room 6018
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Lectures transmitted from Tallinn University.

Pre-registration by 31 January by e-mail to isss@uta.fi.

Hindrek Lootus, Teacher
3-Feb-2009 – 12-May-2009
Thu 5-Feb-2009 - 14-May-2009 weekly at 14-16, Linna Room 6017
26-Feb-2009 at 14 –16 , Linna room 6018
5-Mar-2009 at 14 –16 , Linna room 6018
12-Mar-2009 , No video contact to Tallinn, this week's lecture will be available as a recording through internet.
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Compensates one book from KVPOA4.

Preregistration list is on notice board of the department in Linna building, 5th floor at the beginning of February.

Pami Aalto, Teacher
Lectures 20 hours
Thu 26-Feb-2009 - 5-Mar-2009 weekly at 10-14, Linna K103
Fri 27-Feb-2009 - 6-Mar-2009 weekly at 10-14, Linna K103
Thu 19-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna K104, Retake exam on 9.4. at 10-12 in Linna 6017.
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

The course gives an overview of statistics, its importance and use in different fields of science. Basic statistical concepts and descriptive statistics are introduced, as well as an elementary introduction to estimation and hypothesis testing is given. An introduction to a statistical software package is also included.

Klaus Nordhausen, Teacher responsible
2-Feb-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Lectures 18 hours
Mon 2-Feb-2009 - 2-Mar-2009 weekly at 8.30-10.00, Pinni A3112
Thu 5-Feb-2009 - 26-Feb-2009 weekly at 8.30-10.00, Pinni A3112
Thu 5-Mar-2009 at 9.00-11.00, Pinni A1078
Exercises 16 hours
Thu 5-Feb-2009 - 26-Feb-2009 weekly at 10.15-11.45, ML 51 (Linna K115)
Mon 9-Feb-2009 - 2-Mar-2009 weekly at 10.15-11.45, Pinni A3112
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course is compulsory for the Bachelor's Degree students. There are max. 8 places available for international Master degree students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, please preregister at nettiopsu.

For completing the course it is compulsory to participate in the Library orientation tour organised on Mon 12th Jan, Tue 13th and Wed 14th Jan. Please preregister during the orientation course for international students or by sending an email to isss@uta.fi.

23-Jan-2009 – 13-Feb-2009
Fri 23-Jan-2009 - 13-Feb-2009 weekly at 9-11, room 3021, Linna library
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English