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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2012–2013
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Ihmisen ja teknologian vuorovaikutuksen maisteriopinnot, FM (engl)


I Periodi (3.9.2012 – 19.10.2012)
II Periodi (22.10.2012 – 14.12.2012)
III Periodi (7.1.2013 – 8.3.2013)

Katso opintosuuntien vaatimukset 2012-2015 opinto-oppaasta

Myös ennen syksyä 2012 voimassa olleen tutkintorakenteen mukaisesti vuorovaikutteisen teknologian ja käyttöliittymien ohjelmistokehityksen maisteriohjelmassa opiskelevat valitsevat opintojaksoja tästä opetusohjelmasta. HUOM. Vanhassa järjestelmässä opiskelevien tulee edelleen hakea JOO-oikeus TTY:n kursseille,ks. http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/studies/studying/JOO/HTI.html

Tietojenkäsittelyopin syventävät opintojaksot löytyvät tietojenkäsittelyopin ja ohjelmistokehityksen maisteriopintojen opetusohjelmasta. 

Perus- ja aineopintojen opetus sekä maisteriopintosuuntien esittelytilaisuuksien ajat  löytyvät Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden kandidaattitutkinnon opetusohjelmasta.

Opintojaksojen koodeissa ja nimissä on tapahtunut muutoksia. Vanhojen ja uusien opintojaksojen vastaavuudet voi tarkistaa esim. vastaavuudet-sivulta.

Kirjatenttien suorittamisesta ilmoitetaan erikseen, lisätietoja löytyy kohdasta Tenttiminen.

Vuorovaikutteisen teknologian kokonaismerkinnät pyydetään osoitteesta cs-studies@sis.uta.fi. Liitä pyyntöön nimen ja opiskelijanumeron lisäksi kokonaisuuden tiedot (nimi ja sisältö).

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus

Exam on book "Text Entry Systems" will be in the electronic exam service.

Exam on book "HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks" can be taken on a general examination day. Contact the teacher to set the exam date, possible days can be found on Teaching schedule.

Detailed instructions are on the course web page.

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Veikko Surakka, Teacher responsible
Language of instruction: English

Level: advanced and doctoral studies.

The lecturers are visiting experts. The topics vary yearly. Each lecturer typically gives a series of lectures (6-10 lectures) as a two-day intensive course.

To pass the course for 1 credit point (ECTS point), a student must

  • attend two instances of the lecture series (about 20 hours in total), and
  • write a brief (about one page) summary of each instance attended.

Lectures are scheduled on case-by-case basis. For information on upcoming lectures, see the course homepage.

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Lectures by Matthew Turk
Thu 9-Aug-2012 at 10-16, Pinni B1084
Fri 10-Aug-2012 at 9-14, Pinni B1084
Independent work
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Note. the course is same as VTEKS108 Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction.

Periodi (3.9.2012 - 19.10.2012)
Syventävät opinnot [I Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

The exam is on electronic exam service and instructions will be published on the course web page.

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Outi Tuisku, Teacher responsible
3-Sep-2012 – 19-Oct-2012
Lectures 16 hours
Mon 3-Sep-2012 - 24-Sep-2012 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B3116
Tue 4-Sep-2012 - 25-Sep-2012 weekly at 8-10, Pinni B3107
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Note, this course overlaps with two prior courses: VTEKS115 Introduction to Information Visualization (Johdatus tiedon visualisointiin) and the original Information Visualization (Tiedon visualisointi), and cannot be taken by the students who have taken either of the earlier courses.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration closes Sept. 5th. See course web page for instructions.

Harri Siirtola, Teacher responsible
6-Sep-2012 –
Lectures 21 hours
Thu 6-Sep-2012 - 11-Oct-2012 weekly at 13-16, Pinni A1081
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Starts in mid September, seminar presentations in period II.

Advanced studies.

Enrolment for University Studies

No registration is required.

Jussi Rantala, Teacher responsible
13-Sep-2012 – 10-Dec-2012
Start up lecture
Thu 13-Sep-2012 at 16-18, Pinni B1084
Seminar meetings
Thu 25-Oct-2012 - 13-Dec-2012 weekly at 16-18, Pinni B1084
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Starts in mid September, seminar presentations in period II.

Advanced and postgraduate studies.

Enrolment for University Studies

Prior registration is not required. You will need to attend the first session to take the course.

Vuokko Lantz, Teacher responsible
Fri 14-Sep-2012 at 10-12, Pinni B1084
Fri 26-Oct-2012 - 14-Dec-2012 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B1084
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The requirements for passing the course include the following assignments and tasks: 

  • Written survey report of 10-15 pages with references on a topic of specific sensor technology and its application to gesture interaction
  • 45-minute presentation in one of the seminar sessions
  • Acting as a nominated opponent for two presentations
  • Active participation to the discussions and sessions
Enrolment for University Studies

Registrate to the seminar by sending email to poika.isokoski@uta.fi before first meeting.

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Veikko Surakka, Teacher responsible
12-Sep-2012 – 17-May-2013
Meetings once a month on Wed afternoons. Spring term seminar meeting dates will be set later.
Wed 12-Sep-2012 at 14-16, Pinni B1029
Wed 10-Oct-2012 at 14-16
Wed 7-Nov-2012 at 14-16
Wed 12-Dec-2012 at 14-16
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Syventävät opinnot Tampereen teknillisellä yliopistolla [I Periodi]

Description in TUT study guide 2012-2013.

Note. Organized by Tampere University of Technology. See instructions on SIS studies page (JOO-opiskelu)

TUT/IHTE, Teacher responsible
Periods: I
Language of instruction: Finnish
Further information:

IHTE-3906 or IHTE3900.

Not available in English during 2012-2013.

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

Description in TUT study guide 2012-2013.

Note. Organized by Tampere University of Technology. See instructions on SIS studies page (JOO-opiskelu)

TUT/IHTE, Teacher responsible
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

IHTE-3256 or IHTE-3250.

Same course as previous VTEKS121 Käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointi ja suunnittelu (TTY/IHTE)

Muut opinnot, aineopintotasoiset [I Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

The course gives an overview of the fields of human-technology interaction and interaction design. It cannot be taken by students who have done the courses VTEKP2 Introduction to Interactive Technology (Johdatus vuorovaikutteiseen teknologiaan) and VTEKA15 Introduction to User Interfaces (Käyttöliittymien perusteet). 

This course will be in Moodle. The recommended time for taking this course is in Period I at the beginning of studies. Also available on period III.

Saila Ovaska, Teacher responsible
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Kati Iltanen, Teacher responsible
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Note, only for Degree Programme Students of Computer Sciences and major subject students of Computer Science and Interactive Technology.

Periodi (22.10.2012 - 14.12.2012)
Syventävät opinnot [II Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [II Periodi]

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Mon 22-Oct-2012 - 10-Dec-2012 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B3107
Thu 25-Oct-2012 - 29-Nov-2012 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B4113
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

Level: advanced and doctoral studies.

The lecturers are visiting experts. The topics vary yearly. Each lecturer typically gives a series of lectures (6-10 lectures) as a two-day intensive course.

To pass the course for 1 credit point (ECTS point), a student must

  • attend two instances of the lecture series (about 20 hours in total), and
  • write a brief (about one page) summary of each instance attended.

Lectures are scheduled on case-by-case basis. For information on upcoming lectures, see the course homepage.

Enrolment for University Studies

Email poika.isokoski@uta.fi (Subject: INFORTE ERHCI registration). Once we know how many seats are available, you will be informed whether you will fit in. The seats will be filled in the order that Isokoski has received the emails.

Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
Scott MacKenzie, Teacher
3-Dec-2012 –
Lectures by Scott MacKenzie
Mon 3-Dec-2012 at 10.00-16.15, Pinni B3111
Tue 4-Dec-2012 at 9-15.15, Pinni B3111
Independent work
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Note. the course is same as VTEKS108 Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction.

Periodi (7.1.2013 - 8.3.2013)
Syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Poika Isokoski, Teacher responsible
8-Jan-2013 – 1-Mar-2013
Tue 8-Jan-2013 - 26-Feb-2013 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B1084
Fri 11-Jan-2013 - 1-Mar-2013 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B3111
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

Compulsory enrolment before 27.12.2012!

Enrolment time has expired
Veikko Surakka, Teacher responsible
8-Jan-2013 – 23-Jan-2013
Tue 8-Jan-2013 at 8-11, Pinni B3116
Wed 9-Jan-2013 - 23-Jan-2013 weekly at 8-11, Pinni B3116
Thu 10-Jan-2013 - 17-Jan-2013 weekly at 8-11, Pinni B1096
Tue 15-Jan-2013 - 22-Jan-2013 weekly at 8-11, Pinni B1097
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

This course is overlaps with VTEKS101 Groupware.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Saila Ovaska, Teacher responsible
10-Jan-2013 – 13-May-2013
Lectures 24 hours
Lectures and excercises, 8 meetings during this period, detailed schedule will be given later
Mon 14-Jan-2013 at 15-18, Pinni B3116
Mon 21-Jan-2013 - 13-May-2013 weekly at 14-18, Pinni B3116
Seminar 10 hours
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Active participation in classroom work
Preparing and giving group presentations

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Markku Turunen, Teacher responsible
4-Feb-2013 – 29-May-2013
Wed 13-Feb-2013 at 9-12, Pinni B0016
Wed 6-Mar-2013 at 13-17, Pinni B1084
Wed 27-Mar-2013 at 9-12, Pinni B2077
Wed 17-Apr-2013 at 9-12, Pinni B2077
Wed 29-May-2013 at 9-12, Pinni B2077
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Syventävät opinnot Tampereen teknillisellä yliopistolla [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

Description in TUT study guide 2012-2013.

Note. Organized by Tampere University of Technology. See instructions on SIS studies page (JOO-opiskelu)

TUT/IHTE, Teacher responsible
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

IHTE-3106 or IHTE-3100.

Same course as previous VTEKS120 Käyttäjäkeskeinen tuotekehitys (TTY/IHTE).

Desctiption in TUT study guide 2012-2013.

Note. Organized by Tampere University of Technology. See instructions on SIS studies page (JOO-opiskelu).

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

IHTE-7306 or IHTE-7302.

Same as previous VTEKS122 Monikulttuurinen suunnittelu (TTY/IHTE)

Muut opinnot, aineopintotasoiset [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

The course will include 2-3 meetings, where the lecturer will give the advices on how to conduct a heuristic evaluation and a usability study. You need to attend these meetings. You will be assigned to do 8 small homeworks and also study some topics yourself (material will be provided by the teacher).

The meetings and homeworks will happen during January and February. The biggest part of the course will be the project work done in groups. In the project work, you conduct a heuristic evaluation, plan, pilot  and eventually run, analyze and report the usability study. An advisor will guide your group during the project work. The project work starts in January and ends in May.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrol by 7th January 2013

Henna Heikkilä, Teacher responsible
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

The course gives an overview of the fields of human-technology interaction and interaction design. It cannot be taken by students who have done the courses VTEKP2 Introduction to Interactive Technology (Johdatus vuorovaikutteiseen teknologiaan) and VTEKA15 Introduction to User Interfaces (Käyttöliittymien perusteet). 

This course will be in Moodle. The recommended time for taking this course is in Period I at the beginning of studies. Also available on period III.

Saila Ovaska, Teacher responsible
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English