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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Lääketieteen tohtoriohjelma


I Periodi (4.9.2017 – 22.10.2017)
II Periodi (23.10.2017 – 15.12.2017)
III Periodi (8.1.2018 – 4.3.2018)
IV Periodi (5.3.2018 – 27.5.2018)
Periodi (4.9.2017 - 22.10.2017)
Tohtoriopinnot [I Periodi]

Melkein kaikki mitä olet halunnut tietää tutkimusaineiston keräämisestä, käsittelystä ja raportoinnista mutta et ole koskaan osannut kysyä.

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen
Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt
Heini Huhtala, Vastaava opettaja
Anna-Maija Koivisto, Opettaja
6.9.2017 – 15.11.2017
Ke 6.9.2017 - 15.11.2017 viikoittain klo 16.00-17.30, Arvo 2, F213, Huom! 18.10.2017 ei opetusta!
Periodit: I II
Opetuskieli: suomi
Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen
Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Vastaava opettaja
Karoliina Karjalainen, Opettaja
11.9.2017 – 31.5.2018
Ma 11.9.2017 klo 16.00-18.00, Arvo, A310
Ma 9.10.2017 klo 16.00-18.00, Arvo, A310
Ma 13.11.2017 klo 16.00-18.00, Arvo, A310
Ma 11.12.2017 klo 16.00-18.00, Arvo, A310
Ma 15.1.2018 klo 16-18, Arvo, A310
Ma 12.2.2018 klo 16-18, Arvo, A310
Ma 12.3.2018 klo 16-18, Arvo, A310
Ma 16.4.2018 klo 16-18, Arvo, A310
Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi
Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot Epidemiologian tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: pekka.nuorti@uta.fi

Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot Gerontologian tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: Pauliina.halonen@uta.fi

Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot NEDIS tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: arja.rimpela@uta.fi

Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot SOTEPO tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: marjaana.jones@uta.fi

Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot Terveystaloustieteen tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: Olli.Kurkela@uta.fi

Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Tarkemmat tiedot Työterveyden tohtorikoulutusseminaarista saat seminaarin yhteyshenkilöltä: clas-hakan.nygard@uta.fi

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Teacher responsible
31-Aug-2017 – 1-Sep-2017
Thu 31-Aug-2017 at 10.00-16.00, Arvo, B342
Fri 1-Sep-2017 at 9.00-15, Arvo, B342
Independent work
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

The course covers the scope of epidemiology, basic concepts and principles, and major study types.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Nuorti, Teacher responsible
Tarja Kinnunen, Teacher
4-Sep-2017 – 6-Oct-2017
Mon 4-Sep-2017 at 13-15, Arvo, F211AB
Wed 6-Sep-2017 at 10-12, Arvo, F211AB
Tue 12-Sep-2017 - 26-Sep-2017 weekly at 10-12, Arvo, F211AB
Thu 14-Sep-2017 - 28-Sep-2017 weekly at 10-12, Arvo, F211AB
Fri 13-Oct-2017 at 9.00-12.00, F211AB, Course Exam
Fri 1-Dec-2017 at 9.00-12.00, F213, Course Exam retake
Practicals Group 1 / IPPE
Thu 7-Sep-2017 at 12-14, Arvo, B341
Tue 12-Sep-2017 at 13-15, Arvo, A312
Wed 20-Sep-2017 - 4-Oct-2017 weekly at 9-11, Arvo, A312
Fri 22-Sep-2017 - 6-Oct-2017 weekly at 9-11, Arvo, A312
6-Oct-2017 at 9 –11 , Arvo, B341, Note the change of the clasroom!!
Practicals Group 2 / PGH
Wed 13-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Fri 15-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Wed 20-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Fri 22-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Wed 27-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Fri 29-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Wed 4-Oct-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Fri 6-Oct-2017 at 12-14, RH A312
Practicals Group 3 / PGH
Wed 13-Sep-2017 at 14-16, RH B341
Fri 15-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH B341
Wed 20-Sep-2017 at 14-16, RH B240, Note exceptional classroom!
Fri 22-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH B341
Wed 27-Sep-2017 at 14-16, RH B341
Fri 29-Sep-2017 at 12-14, RH B240, Note exceptional classroom!
Wed 4-Oct-2017 at 14-16, RH B341
Fri 6-Oct-2017 at 12-14, RH B341
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
18-Sep-2017 – 13-Oct-2017
Mon 18-Sep-2017 - 9-Oct-2017 weekly at 12-14, A308
25-Sep-2017 at 12 –14 , Note! Arvo B342
Tue 19-Sep-2017 - 10-Oct-2017 weekly at 14-16, A308
Thu 21-Sep-2017 - 12-Oct-2017 weekly at 13-15, Computer class 72 (F120)
Fri 22-Sep-2017 - 13-Oct-2017 weekly at 12-14, Computer class 72 (F120), Note! No practicals on Sept. 29.!!
Tue 3-Oct-2017 at 9-11, Computer class 72
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

The aim of the course is to write good abstracts of study plans and results, and also press releases. The maximum number of students is 12. In order to obtain 1 ect there is a written pre-assigment and active participation in a course. Pre-assigments are discussed during the course.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Teacher responsible
17-Oct-2017 – 19-Oct-2017
Tue 17-Oct-2017 at 10-16, NOTE!! Arvo, B342
Thu 19-Oct-2017 at 10-16, NOTE!! Arvo, A2111
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Nuorti, Teacher responsible
Omar Okasha, Teacher
7-Sep-2017 – 7-Jun-2018
Thu 7-Sep-2017 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 5-Oct-2017 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 2-Nov-2017 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 7-Dec-2017 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 1-Feb-2018 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 1-Mar-2018 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 5-Apr-2018 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 3-May-2018 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Thu 7-Jun-2018 at 14.00-15.30, Arvo, A310
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (23.10.2017 - 15.12.2017)
Tohtoriopinnot [II Periodi]

Kurssilla käydään läpi yksilöllisesti opiskelijan väitöskirjaan liittyviä menetelmällisiä ongelmia.

Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Vastaava opettaja
Periodit: II
Opetuskieli: suomi

Kurssia ei järjestetä lukuvuonna 2017 - 2018, mikäli sinulla on tarvetta yksilölliseen menetelmäohjaukseen, ota yhteyttä Kirsi Lumme-Sandtiin, kirsi.lumme-sandt@uta.fi

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [II Periodi]

Intermediate course in practical aspects of study design and application of epidemiologic methods.

The course covers fundamental concepts and methods in epidemiologic research, including planning and conducting epidemiologic studies, design strategies, disease occurrence and exposure measurement, statistical associations, bias, confounding, effect modification, causality, and different epidemiological study designs.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Nuorti, Teacher responsible
Tarja Kinnunen, Teacher
24-Oct-2017 – 15-Dec-2017
Tue 24-Oct-2017 - 12-Dec-2017 weekly at 10-12, A313
Thu 26-Oct-2017 - 14-Dec-2017 weekly at 10-12, A313
Wed 1-Nov-2017 - 13-Dec-2017 weekly at 9-11, A312, No practicals at December 6. Moved to December 4.
4-Dec-2017 at 13 –15 , A312, substitute to December 6.
Fri 3-Nov-2017 at 9-11, B341
Fri 10-Nov-2017 at 9-11, A312
Fri 17-Nov-2017 at 9-11, A312
Fri 24-Nov-2017 at 9-11, B341
Thu 30-Nov-2017 at 13-15, A311
Fri 8-Dec-2017 at 9-11, B341
Fri 15-Dec-2017 at 9-11, A312
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Prerequisites Previous knowledge about basic epidemiological concepts and methods.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Leena Forma, Teacher responsible
27-Oct-2017 – 14-Dec-2017
Fri 27-Oct-2017 at 9-12, Arvo F025 Yellow Hall
Thu 9-Nov-2017 at 13-16, Arvo A210-211
Tue 14-Nov-2017 at 14-17, Arvo F114
Thu 23-Nov-2017 at 13-16, Arvo F109 Visakorpi Hall
Wed 29-Nov-2017 at 14-17, Arvo F115
Seminar Group I
Fri 8-Dec-2017 at 12-15, Arvo A312
Tue 12-Dec-2017 at 12.30-15.30, A308, Note! New time and place!
Thu 14-Dec-2017 at 13-16, Arvo A207
Seminar Group II (in Finnish)
Fri 1-Dec-2017 at 12-15, Arvo A208
Fri 8-Dec-2017 at 12-15, Arvo A208
Thu 14-Dec-2017 at 13-16, Arvo A208
Seminar Group III
Fri 8-Dec-2017 at 12-15, Arvo A313
Tue 12-Dec-2017 at 12.30-15.30, B342, Note! New time and place!
Thu 14-Dec-2017 at 13-16, Arvo A313
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (8.1.2018 - 4.3.2018)
Tohtoriopinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Jaakko Nevalainen, Teacher responsible
Reija Autio, Teacher
30-Jan-2018 – 13-Mar-2018
Tue 30-Jan-2018 - 20-Feb-2018 weekly at 9-11, Arvo A308
Thu 1-Feb-2018 - 22-Feb-2018 weekly at 9-11, Arvo A308
Tue 30-Jan-2018 - 20-Feb-2018 weekly at 12-14, Arvo ML71(A309)
Thu 1-Feb-2018 - 22-Feb-2018 weekly at 12-14, Arvo ML71(A309)
Group work
Tue 27-Feb-2018 at 9-16, Arvo Building, computer class 71 (A309), Group exam
Thu 8-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo Building, computer class 71 (A309), Re group exam
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Anssi Auvinen, Teacher responsible
9-Jan-2018 – 2-Feb-2018
Tue 9-Jan-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A109, Note! Change of time and venue
Mon 29-Jan-2018 at 11-13, Arvo, F211AB
Fri 2-Feb-2018 at 11-13, Arvo, F211AB
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Participation in the lectures, completion of learning diary

:This course covers the concepts and methods of vaccine-preventable disease epidemiology and the science of vaccinology. The course can be taken independently or in combination with the Essentials of Infectious disease epidemiology course ( 2 ECTS).

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Nuorti, Teacher responsible
Hanna Nohynek, Teacher
16-Jan-2018 – 19-Jan-2018
Tue 16-Jan-2018 at 9-18, Arvo A308
Wed 17-Jan-2018 at 9-17, Arvo A308
Thu 18-Jan-2018 at 9-17, Arvo A308
Fri 19-Jan-2018 at 9-13, Arvo A308
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Nuorti, Teacher responsible
Ralf Reintjes, Teacher
22-Jan-2018 – 26-Jan-2018
Mon 22-Jan-2018 at 9.00-17, Arvo, A308
Tue 23-Jan-2018 at 9.00-17, Arvo, A308
Wed 24-Jan-2018 at 9.00-17, Arvo, A308
Thu 25-Jan-2018 at 9.00-17, Arvo, A308
Fri 26-Jan-2018 at 9.00-15.30, Arvo, A308
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, kirsi.lumme-sandt@uta.fi

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Rissanen, Teacher responsible
Leena Forma, Teacher
Olli Kurkela, Teacher
8-Jan-2018 – 23-Feb-2018
Mon 8-Jan-2018 at 12-14, Arvo F212
Thu 11-Jan-2018 at 12-14, Arvo F212
Mon 15-Jan-2018 at 12-14, Arvo F212
Mon 29-Jan-2018 at 14-16, Arvo F212
Wed 31-Jan-2018 at 9-11, Arvo F212, CANCELLED!
Wed 7-Feb-2018 at 9-11, Arvo F212
Study Group
Lukupiiri (in Finnish)
Mon 5-Feb-2018 at 14-16, Arvo B342
Fri 9-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B342
Fri 16-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B342
Fri 23-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B342
Reading club (in English)
Mon 5-Feb-2018 at 14-16, Arvo B241
Fri 9-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B241
Fri 16-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B241
Fri 23-Feb-2018 at 10-12, Arvo B241
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

An introduction to epidemiologic data analysis using the statistical programme R. Course will cover basic statistical inference of the fundamental epidemiologic study designs. An introduction to the some more advanced methods concerning statistical analysis of dependent observations and long-term survival analysis are also presented.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Janne Pitkäniemi, Teacher responsible
26-Feb-2018 – 9-Apr-2018
Mon 26-Feb-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 5-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 12-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Wed 14-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 26-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 9-Apr-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

The cancer epidemiology course consists of several themes such as: cancer registration and coding, prevention, differences in incidence and mortality, prediction and survival, radiation and cancer, work and cancer, screening of cancer.

The aim of the course is to be able to have basic knowledge of cancer as a disease, how it is registered and coded, what kind of preventive and early diagnostics are in use, and how to use register data in research and in policy making.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Nea Malila, Teacher responsible
5-Feb-2018 – 4-Apr-2018
Mon 5-Feb-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Mon 12-Feb-2018 at 11-15, Arvo, A312
Mon 19-Feb-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, A312
Fri 2-Mar-2018 at 11-15, Arvo, B341
Thu 15-Mar-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, A312
Thu 22-Mar-2018 at 13-17, Arvo, A312, Notice! Time has changed.
Tue 27-Mar-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, A312
Wed 4-Apr-2018 at 11-15, Arvo, A312
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen, liina-kaisa.tynkkynen@uta.fi

Periodi (5.3.2018 - 27.5.2018)
Tohtoriopinnot [IV Periodi]

Luentosarjalla käsitellään sitä, millaisin erilaisin tavoin vanheneminen näyttäytyy yhteiskunnassa. Kurssi tutustuttaaosallistujat vanhenemisen  ja monitieteisen vanhenemistutkimuksen ajankohtaisiin aiheisiin ja projekteihin sekä niissä käytettäviin tutkimusmenetelmiin ja –asetelmiin.

Tutkinto-opiskelijoiden ilmoittautuminen
Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa on päättynyt
Ilkka Pietilä, Vastaava opettaja
5.3.2018 – 7.5.2018
Ma 5.3.2018 klo 13-15, Linna LS K110
Ke 21.3.2018 - 25.4.2018 viikoittain klo 16-17.30, Linna, Väinö Linna sali, Studia Generalia luentosarja
18.4.2018 klo 16 –17.30 , Päätalo, D10b, Huomaa poikkeus!
Periodit: IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

5.3.2018, Linna LS K110         
Marja Jylhä: Vanhenemistutkimuksen teemat ja tutkimusotteet

Loput kurssista korvataan Studia Generalia luentosarjalla:


Tämä monitieteinen luentosarja esittelee Tampereenyliopistossa tehtävääikääntymiseen ja vanhuuteen liittyvää tutkimusta. Eritieteenalojen tutkijattarkastelevat luentosarjassa alan tutkimuksen ajankohtaisiateemoja jakysymyksiä omien tutkimushankkeidensa näkökulmista.

Luentosarja on maksuton ja avoin kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille.
Luennot pidetään keskiviikkoisin klo 16–17.30 Tampereen yliopisto Linna -rakennuksen Väinö Linna salissa (Kalevantie 5). Poikkeuksena 18.4 luento, jokapidetään Tampereen yliopiston Päätalolla salissa D10b (Kalevantie 4).Luentosaleihin on esteetön pääsy.Tervetuloa!


21.3. Marja Jylhä ja Linda Enroth
Pitkän iän ilot ja huoletTervaskannot 90+ -tutkimus

28.3 Jari Pirhonen, Vilhelmiina Lehto ja Katariina Tuominen
Hyvän elämän edellytykset hoivakodissa

4.4. Outi Jolanki ja Jenni Kuoppa
Ympäristö ja hyvinvointi

11.4Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen ja Marjaana Jones
Vanhat ihmiset sote-muutoksen pyörteissä

18.4 Jutta Pulkki ja Mari Aaltonen
Palvelut ja hoiva - mitä kuuluu Tamperelaisille
Luento poikkeuksellisesti Tampereen yliopiston Päätalolla salissa D10B

25.4. Kirsi Lumme-Sandt ja Johanna Surakka
Monta sukupolvea samassa perheessä - Iloa ja apua

Mielenterveyttä ja mielenterveyspalveluita käsittelevä jatkokoulutustapahtuma, joka toteutuu keväisin, sisällöltään vaihtelevana koulutusmoduulina.


Moduulin teemoja, jotka vaihtelevat vuosittain:


  • Mitä on mielenterveys ja mielenterveyden häiriö
  • Mielenterveyden merkitys ja sen häiriöiden esiintyvyys
  • Mielenterveyspalvelujärjestelmä
  • Mielenterveyden sosiaaliset ja yhteiskunnalliset ulottuvuudet


Moduuli toteutetaan keväisin temaattisena 1-2 –päiväisenä seminaarina, jota voidaan hyödyntää muita opintoina täydentävinä tai syventävinä opintoina. Toteutuksesta vastaa sosiaalipsykiatrian ryhmä mutta toteutuksessa on mukana myös muiden oppialojen edustajia. Pyrkimyksenä on tarjota monialainen näkemys kulloinkin käsiteltävästä aiheesta.


Kohderyhmä: useiden tieteenalojen jatko-opiskelijat: yhteiskuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan oppialoilla väitöskirjaa tekevät, psykiatriaan erikoistuvat lääkärit, psykiatrian alalta väitöskirjaa tekevät lääkärit. Lähtökohtana ovat jatko-opinnot yliopistossa. Mikäli tilaa riittää, osallistua voivat myös yhteiskuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan perusopiskelijat, T3-opiskelijat ja ammatillista täydennyskoulutusta tarvitsevat opiskelijat. Osalle opiskelijoista seminaarit saattavat olla maksullisia


Moduuleja voi suorittaa sarjana. Toisaalta moduulit ovat itsenäisiä kokonaisuuksia, jotka voi suorittaa yksittäisinä seminaareina. Tästä voivat hyötyä eri alojen opiskelijat, jotka tarvitsevat rajoitetun lisän muihin teoreettisiin opintoihinsa.

Sami Pirkola, Vastaava opettaja
13.4.2018 – 13.4.2018
Pe 13.4.2018 klo 9.00-16.15, Arvo, F114
Periodit: IV
Opetuskieli: suomi


Työelämä ja mielenterveys (1 – 3 op.)


Tampereen yliopisto Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta Kaupin kampus Arvo-rakennus ls. F114

Arvo Ylpön katu 34 (aik. Lääkärinkatu 1) Kartta http://www.pshp.fi/fi-FI/Kartat/tayskartta



PERJANTAI 13.4.2018


Moduulin   avaus. Sosiaalipsykiatrian prof. Sami Pirkola, TaY


Työelämän muutokset   ajassamme. Yliopistonlehtori Pasi Pyöriä, TaY




Työelämä ja työkyky. Dos.   Pauli Forma, Työterveyslaitos






Työterveyden murros ja työväestön mielenterveyden yhteiskunnalliset   taustatekijät. Vanhempi tutkija Ari Väänänen, Työterveyslaitos


Keskustelua ja   taukojumppa


Työkokemuksia.   Kokemusasiantuntija Anne Salminen


Depressio ja   työkyvyttömyys – muna ja kana. Prof. Sami Pirkola, TaY




Suomalaisten   eläketilastojen kertomaa. Dos. Mikko Laaksonen, ETK


Keskustelua,   päivän yhteenveto ja   päätössanat. Prof. Sami Pirkola TaY



Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [IV Periodi]

The first day offers a series of exercises and points to reflect on, whereas the second day offers the students an opportunity to apply these tips and strategies in an "Editing Clinic". During the second day, the students will be taught a ten-step editing process that they will apply to their own texts in class.

For the second day of the workshop, students are asked to bring one copy of a well-written article in their fields and 5 copies of a 2-3 page sample of their own writing (unedited, unpublished). Please make sure that the writing sample is double spaced.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Kate Moore, Teacher responsible
22-May-2018 – 23-May-2018
Tue 22-May-2018 at 9-16, Arvo, A308
Wed 23-May-2018 at 9-16, Arvo, A308
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Epidemiology, prevention and control of chronic, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases; nutritional epidemiology (e.g. measurement of dietary intake in epidemiologic studies).

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Tarja Kinnunen, Teacher
Susanna Lehtinen-Jacks, Teacher
Suvi Virtanen, Teacher
7-Mar-2018 – 25-Apr-2018
Fri 9-Mar-2018 at 9-15, Arvo, B342, Please notice ti time change!!
Fri 16-Mar-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Fri 23-Mar-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Thu 5-Apr-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Mon 16-Apr-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Wed 18-Apr-2018 at 9-13, Arvo A312
Fri 20-Apr-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Mon 23-Apr-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Wed 25-Apr-2018 at 10-14, Arvo, B342
Independent work
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Students who will complete all parts of the course will earn 4 ECTS. Students who complete other parts of the course except the seminar in Helsinki (Part IA) will earn 3 ECTS.

There will be some reading or other homework before a part of the lectures and practicals. The students will keep a 2-day dietary record before the last practical.

Decisions in healthcare and policy depend on the highest available evidence. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses rank highest in the evidence hierarchy in informing such important decisions. Over the last decade, their use in different fields of inquiry has rapidly grown in length and breadth. In this course, participants will be taken through the rudiments of conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, covering all stages of the review process, including question formulation, study identification, data extraction, quality appraisal, meta-analysis, and many more. Tutoring is participatory, with hands-on practical sessions that allow participants to implement the skills learned. The course is suitable for postgraduate students and researchers from any field of research.


- Formulating a research question
- Defining inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Developing a search strategy and locating primary studies
- Selecting studies and assessing their quality
- Performing fixed-effect and random-effects meta-analyses
- Exploring heterogeneity across studies
- Assessing publications bias
- Performing sensitivity analyses

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Teacher responsible
Bright Nwaru, Teacher
7-May-2018 – 9-May-2018
Mon 7-May-2018 at 8.30-16.30, Arvo, A308, Practical session 15.15 -16.30 in computer clas 71 (A309)
Tue 8-May-2018 at 8.30-16.30, Arvo, A308, Practical sessions 8.30 - 9.30 and 13.00 -14.00 in computer clas 71 (A309)
Wed 9-May-2018 at 8.30-15.00, Arvo, A308, Practical session 8.30 - 10.30 in computer clas 71 (A309)
Group work
Independent work
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Course outline


7th May 2018


Introductions and principles of systematic reviews

8:30-9:00       Introductions and general overviews

9:00-10:00     Rationale for systematic reviews

10:00-10:15   Coffee break

10:15-11:00   Question formulation for a systematic review

11:00-12:00   Lunch break

12:00-13:30   Planning and performing searches: search strategies and databases

13:30-15:00   Study screening, data extraction, and critical appraisal

15:00-15:15   Coffee break

15:15-16:30   Practical session: protocol development and group work


8th May 2018



8:30-9:30       Practical session: group work

9:30-10:00     Review of Day 1

10:00-10:15   Coffee break

10:15-11:30   Principles of meta-analysis

11:30-12:30   Lunch break

12:30-13:30   Fixed-effect versus random-effects models in meta-analysis

13:30-14:30   Heterogeneity and publication bias in meta-analysis

14:30-14:45   Coffee break

14:45-15.30   Sub-group analysis, meta-regression, and sensitivity analysis

15:30-16:30   Practical session: planning and conducting a meta-analysis


9th May 2018


Continuation of meta-analysis and group presentations

8:30-10:30     Practical session: group work

10:30-10:45   Coffee break

10:45-11:15   Review of Day 2

11:15-12:15   Lunch break



Thursday 26.4.

8.00                     Departure from Tampere

9.00                     Breakfast

9.45                    Welcome, orientation and student presentations
Pekka Nuorti and Kirsi Lumme-Sandt

12.15                  Lunch

13.00                  “Writing Scientific Journal Articles” / Dr Pekka Belt

Dr Pekka Belt currently works in the group for improving the efficiency of postgraduate studies (GIEPS).

GIEPS serves the needs of postgraduate students guiding them in writing doctoral theses and scientific Journal articles in the University of Oulu.

15.00                  coffee and tea break

15.15                  “Writing a thesis” / Dr Pekka Belt

17.30                  Activities

18.30                  Sauna

20.00                  Dinner

Friday 27.4.

7.00 – 9.00       Breakfast

9.00 – 10.15     From health promoting interventions to ‘eco-chic’ veganism

– Sociological analysis in action
Professor Piia Jallinoja, University of Tampere

10.30 – 11.30  Science & media
                             Professor Piia Jallinoja

11.30 -12.30    Group work on science & media – seminar participants’ perspectives and ideas

12.30                  Lunch

13.30                  Group work wrap up

14.30                  Coffee / tea, Feedback and closing words

15.00                  Departure to Tampere

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Teacher responsible
26-Apr-2018 – 27-Apr-2018
Thu 26-Apr-2018 at 8-17, Petäys resort
Fri 27-Apr-2018 at 9-16, Petäys resort
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Jaakko Nevalainen, Teacher responsible
Reija Autio, Teacher
10-Apr-2018 – 4-May-2018
Tue 10-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Thu 12-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Tue 17-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Thu 19-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Tue 24-Apr-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Wed 2-May-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Thu 3-May-2018 at 9-11, Arvo, A308
Tue 10-Apr-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Thu 12-Apr-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Tue 17-Apr-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Thu 19-Apr-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Tue 24-Apr-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Thu 3-May-2018 at 12-14, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Fri 4-May-2018 at 8.30-10.30, Arvo, computer class 71 (A309)
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

This intensive, 4-day seminar course will introduce a variety of practical analytical approaches for addressing threats to validity in observational studies. Specific topics will include the limitations of traditional hypothesis testing in observational epidemiology, modern approaches to detecting and attenuating confounding, probabilistic correction for variable misclassification, and handling of missing data. These topics will be taught as non-technically as possible, but references and programming resources will be provided to allow for rigorous application of the methods. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on how to successfully incorporate these methods into real-world studies and subsequent publications. Examples using SAS R and Microsoft Excel will accompany many of the lectures. Students are expected to have a solid foundation in epidemiologic study design and biostatistics, including the interpretation of linear, logistic, and proportional hazards regression models, and will be asked to read two to three papers each night in preparation for the next day’s class. Examples using SAS R will focus on demonstrating the mechanics of implementing the methods, and will not assume familiarity with SAS R syntaxprogramming. Equivalent functions in Stata and R SAS will be pointed outdiscussed whenever applicable. Lecture content will be reinforced by afternoon laboratory sessions, in which students can apply the methods taught learned in lecture to the analysis of simulated data sets.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Thomas Ahern, Teacher
14-May-2018 – 17-May-2018
Mon 14-May-2018 at 9-16, Arvo B342
Tue 15-May-2018 at 9-16, Morning 9-12 Arvo B342 and afternoon 13-16 computer class 71 (A3
Wed 16-May-2018 at 9-16, Morning 9-12 Arvo B342 and afternoon 13-16 computer class 71 (A3
Thu 17-May-2018 at 9-16, Morning 9-12 Arvo A308 and afternoon 13-16 computer class 71 (A3
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Instructor: Thomas Ahern, PhD, MPH, University of Vermont, U.S.A.

Dr. Ahern studies the pharmacoepidemiology of breast cancer using the U.S. Nurses’ Health Study cohorts and the population-based medical registries of Denmark. He has lectured extensively in beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses in epidemiologic methods, and is experienced in the application of modern analytical concepts to practical research. Dr. Ahern received his PhD in epidemiology from the Boston University School of Public Health, completed a post-doctoral fellowship in cancer epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, and is currently an assistant professor at the University of Vermont College of Medicine.