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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2009–2010
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Master's degree programme in health sciences (Public Health)


I Periodi (1.9.2009 – 16.10.2009)
II Periodi (26.10.2009 – 11.12.2009)
III Periodi (7.1.2010 – 5.3.2010)
IV Periodi (15.3.2010 – 14.5.2010)
Periodi (1.9.2009 - 16.10.2009)
Aineopinnot [I Periodi]

An introductory course to epidemiology, consisting of both lectures and practical exercises. Participation in classroom work, written exam and exercises.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor in epidemiology Suvi Virtanen, Professor in epidemiology Patrik Finne, Teacher responsible
15-Sep-2009 – 6-Oct-2009
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

The course gives the students knowledge on basic biostatistics and its use in public health research. Exercises, assignments, feedback discussion.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Lecturer Anna-Maija Koivisto, Teacher responsible
14-Sep-2009 – 5-Oct-2009
Lectures 12 hours
Exercises 6 hours
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Participating in workshop sessions, familiarizing oneself with the literature, doing literal assignments, commenting other participants' papers, drawing up a learning diary and participating the course on electronic resources arranged by the department of Health Science library.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Senior assistant professor of gerontology Tapio Kirsi, Teacher responsible
16-Sep-2009 – 9-Dec-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Syventävät opinnot [I Periodi]

The course familiarizes students with the multidisciplinary field of public health. The students will learn how to successfully use some core learning methods. Lectures and completion of learning diary, group work, participation in site visits and literature.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor Clas-Håkan Nygård, Teacher responsible
5-Oct-2009 – 10-Nov-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (26.10.2009 - 11.12.2009)
Syventävät opinnot [II Periodi]

Lectures, short written exercises and an essay based on lectures and literature.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor Marja Jylhä, Teacher responsible
9-Nov-2009 – 9-Dec-2009
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

Lectures, workplace visists and seminars.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
23-Nov-2009 – 16-Dec-2009
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (7.1.2010 - 5.3.2010)
Syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor Clas-Håkan Nygård, Teacher responsible
13-Jan-2010 – 14-May-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Book exam.

Professor Matti Joukamaa, Teacher responsible
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

A book exam. Other learning sessions like seminars or short courses may be organized. In such case students will be informed.

The following books are for the examination of 4 ECTS:

Nutbeam H. & Harris E. 2004. Theory in a nutshell. A practical guide to health promotion theories. Second edition. Mcgraw-Hill

Bunton R., Macdonald G. 2002. Health promotion. Disciplines, diversity and developments. Second ed. Taylor & Francis (Also as electronic publication)

senior assistant professor Pirjo Lindfors, Teacher responsible
Independent work
Book examinations/ spring and summer 2010
Thu 25-Feb-2010 at 12-16, T-auditorium
Thu 8-Apr-2010 at 12-16, T-auditorium
Thu 6-May-2010 at 12-16, T-auditorium
Thu 3-Jun-2010 at 12-16, T-auditorium
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Seminars, essays based on the seminars and literature OR book exam.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor Juhani Lehto, Teacher responsible
13-Jan-2010 – 3-Feb-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

A book exam. The student should understand health and illness and health care as a social phenomena.

Principal lecturer Pekka Virtanen, Teacher responsible
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Spring 2010. Studying and demonstrating command of obligatory and additional literature by exams. Obligatory literature, or part of it, can be performed together with obligatory literature, later as optional items or in the form of written essays. The themes and scope of essays are assigned by the teacher.

Senior assistant professor of gerontology Tapio Kirsi, Teacher responsible
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Lectures and practical exercises (8h), assignment, feedback discussion

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration is required through NettiOpsu. Group 1 is primarily for MIH students, Group 2 for MPH students.

Attendance is primarily for students of Master of Health Science (Public Health & International Health). If there are vacant places on the course, also Finnish Master of Public Health students can attend the course.

Enrolment time has expired
Lecturer Anna-Maija Koivisto, Teacher responsible
26-Jan-2010 – 4-Feb-2010
Lectures 8 hours
Lectures & exercises 1 / group 1
Tue 26-Jan-2010 at 10-12, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 1 / group 2
Tue 26-Jan-2010 at 12-14, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 2 / group 1
Thu 28-Jan-2010 at 10-12, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 2 / group 2
Thu 28-Jan-2010 at 12-14, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 3 / group 1
Tue 2-Feb-2010 at 10-12, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 3 / group 2
Tue 2-Feb-2010 at 12-14, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 4 / group 1
Thu 4-Feb-2010 at 10-12, T-ml 72
Lectures & exercises 4/ group 2
Thu 4-Feb-2010 at 12-14, T-ml 72
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Spring 2010. Lectures, exercises, examination.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Professor Pekka Rissanen, Teacher responsible
18-Jan-2010 – 15-Mar-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Internet -course.

Independent work
Periods: III IV
Homepage URL: https://moodle.uku.fi
Language of instruction: English

Lectures, seminars, exam.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Hervonen Antti, Teacher responsible
2-Mar-2010 – 24-Mar-2010
Lectures 8 hours
Lecture I
Tue 2-Mar-2010 at 12.15-14, T-lecture hall
Lecture II
Thu 4-Mar-2010 at 12.15-14, T-ylähylly
Lecture III
Tue 16-Mar-2010 at 12.15-14, T-ylähylly
Lecture IV
Wed 24-Mar-2010 at 12.15-14, T-ylähylly
Group work
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (15.3.2010 - 14.5.2010)
Syventävät opinnot [IV Periodi]

The course offers a basic introduction on qualitative research; what is knowledge, what kinds of research questions may be answered by using qualitative methods and what is data in qualitative research. A closer look will be taken on following qualitative research methods or approaches: content analysis, discourse analysis and ethnography.

The course consists of 18 hours of lectures which also contain group work and discussions. In addition students read and evaluate a relevant empirical article. Also students write in pairs a short presentation on chosen qualitative research method and use it on given data. At the end the analysis of data will be discussed in a joint session.

The course will take place at Tampere School of Public Health, Medisiinarinkatu 3, T-building, Room 2.

Altogether 15 student are admitted to the course. Please sign up by March 26, 2010, using the following link: XXX.

The co-ordinator of the course is Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, kirsi.lumme-sandt@uta.fi, 040-1901606

Enrolment for University Studies

Altogether 15 student are admitted to the course. Please sign up by March 26, 2010, using the following link: XXX.

Senior assistant professor Pirjo Lindfors, Teacher responsible
6-May-2010 – 28-May-2010
Lectures 18 hours
Lecture 1
Thu 6-May-2010 at 13-16, T-group room 2
Lecture 2
Fri 7-May-2010 at 13-16, T-group room2
Lecture 3
Mon 17-May-2010 at 9-12, T-group room2
Lecture 4
Mon 17-May-2010 at 13-16, T-group room2
Lecture 5
Tue 18-May-2010 at 9-12, T-group room2
Lecture 6
Fri 28-May-2010 at 9-12, T-group room2
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English