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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Basics of Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies, 25– op

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the study module, the student will have a thorough understanding of the specific features of professional and scientific translation and interpreting, as well as the specific features of translation in specialised subjects, literary translation, or audiovisual translation. The student will also be familiar with the basic concepts of terminology studies and the basics of terminology work. The student will be able to describe both translating and interpreting using the appropriate scientific concepts. In addition, the student will learn how to work as a translation expert in a multilingual project team.


The study module consists of studies that support and broaden the basic and intermediate translation studies of the degree programmes.



Further information

The study module is intended for students who will be specialising in one of the following degree programmes in translation and interpreting:
- English Language, Literature, and Translation
- Scandinavian Languages
- French Language
- German Language, Culture, and Translation
- Russian Language, Culture, and Translation

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Basics of Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies

Free Choice Studies
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