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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Intercultural Communication Studies, 15 op

Learning outcomes

The overall aim of the program is to improve participants’ intercultural communication competence by increasing their understanding of the role of culture in communication, and developing skills for intercultural interaction.


• In order to attain the intended learning outcomes, the courses are based on experiential intercultural learning and critical thinking. Participatory and enactive teaching methods are used in combination with reflective and critical discussion/writing.
• The ICS program is a study program consisting of a variety of courses ranging from 1-5 credits. A total of 15 credits is needed to complete the program; however, individual courses can also be taken.
• Degree programs may accept ICS courses towards the internationalization component, or as a minor subject. Check with your degree program. For further information about the content of the courses, see the individual course descriptions.
• English is the primary language of the program in order to enable the participation of both Finnish and international students. Any other language requirements will be indicated in the course description.
• For most courses registration will take place by computer through Nettiopsu. The groups will be limited to 30 participants, and whenever possible they will be composed of roughly half Finnish and half international students, in order to promote experiential learning. Students will be admitted on the basis of ICS and overall credits currently in the register, and date of registration for students who have no credits yet.


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

See more information here: http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kielikeskus/in_english/ics.html.

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